Chap 2: All your problems

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I walk over to the lunch line, "I can't believe she's still eating with that weight", I hear a girl say to her friends and they all laugh.

Nothing new though. I always get bullied. I look down at my tray moving forward. When I'm done taking my food I search for an empty table. It all seems to be full today. I walk over to some girls who are just three on the table. There's still a lot of space if they could just allow me.

"Um hey can I sit here?", I ask and they turn over to me. Their neutral looks quickly turns to one of disgust.

"Ew no", the brunette in the middle says and so I walk away. Never thought I was that irritating to human eyes.

I move to another table, "Can I-", I instantly get cut off.

"Don't even think about it fat girl", The blonde girl says and I back away. They start laughing and I hold back my tears turning away from them. My eyes are getting clouded and my vision blurry. As I try to wipe them away I'm unaware of the leg that's been stuck out for me. It gets in the way and I end up tripping over it. My tray slides away and I'm lucky enough not to fall face flat on the floor. I use my hands to hold the fall so it's not too bad. My knees are the victims and since I already got bruised in the morning due to the fall on the stairs they hurt even more. Their laughter becomes louder and I can feel the hot tears brimming over my eyes.

I help myself up and the first thing I see is Noah's eyes looking at me. They look sad but mine looks even worse. I run out of the cafeteria and to the girls bathroom. I get into a stall. One of my favorites. It's always empty and it kinda holds memories. Tearful memories.

I put down the lid and sit on it. I let myself cry. I don't hold back any tears from falling. I hate this. I hate being bullied. I hate being looked down on. I hate being so helpless. I'm useless. I'm disgusting and I shouldn't even let people see me. I should spare them the trauma.

There's a knock on my stall and so I quickly blow my nose with a tissue and flush. I didn't expect someone to use this one. When I open the stall I'm faced with Noah.

"You okay?", He asks and I nod walking to the sink. I don't want his pity now. I might just end up crying more than I intend to.

"I'm sorry-",

"It's fine. You're not the one who tripped me", I say.

"I should have helped", he says clearing the scattered hair on my face. All my efforts to get it straightened this morning has all gone down to the drain.

"It's okay you don't have to go against your friends just because of me", I say looking into the mirror to meet his eyes.

"My friends?", He asks.

"You hang out with them don't you?", I ask. The girl who tripped me was a cheerleader, the captain of the cheer squad actually and you know guys in the football team like girls in the cheer team so they're super popular. I see her most times coming out of his car.. the both of them kissing. I mentally shudder.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean-", I interrupt.

"Did you go over their table to warn them or maybe to fight for me?", I ask and he looks away. I thought so. I turn the faucet on then splash some water in my eyes before dabbing them with the sleeve of my jacket.

"Abby I'm-",

"I have to go to class", I cut him off.

"Ok I'll walk you", he says and my cheeks taint. If he walks me then that just means more stares, more insults and maybe more bullying.

"No", I decline timidly and he uses a hand to pull me close.

"Why don't you want me to walk you to class?", he asks bringing his face closer to mine. I step back and he steps forward trapping me against the sink.

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