Chap 11: Breaks my Heart

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Thank you so much EvelynAmiwero for this lovely cover.

Mr Warren walks into the lab just as we predicted. Noah and I lower our heads as we pretend to engage in experiments. We have goggles on and also lab coats. If I was the only who just came out of nowhere asking for lab coats I'm sure I would have gotten kicked out but the aura Noah had made the girls give in to the idea of giving us extra coats. The boys in the class didn't really seem happy about it though but they went with it either way.

We all act natural as Mr Warren looked around the class. Noah and I were surrounded with people because when we came everyone were in groups so we snuggled into one. Noah's the tallest in the group, in the whole room in fact so he did alot of bending so Mr Warren wouldn't see him. I on the other hand just sat down.. I mean, I'm not that tall.

When Mr Warren seems satisfied with the survey he's taking he leaves the class and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Noah sighs sitting properly on his chair now. He turns to me and a smile breaks out so we end up laughing.

He looks at me intently, "You look cute", he says and I'm too shocked by the compliment I almost don't notice the whole class looking at us.

"Uh.. I..I think we should go", I say and he turns to look at the class.

"She's right", The boy who I think might be the leader of this.. well this uh science association I think points out.

"Yeah we should", he says then takes of his goggles. I take mine off as well and we start taking off our lab coats. "We would have liked to join but-

"You wouldn't", the supposed leader says cutting him off and Noah nods picking my bag up.

"Yeah you're right, we wouldn't", he admits and we make it to the door, "..thanks", and with that we walk out of the class.

Noah strolls freely in the empty hallway while I look behind me fearfully from time to time just in case a certain teacher with expensive looking shoes would jump out of a locker.. okay maybe not a locker. I mean, what is this? Halloween?.

"Don't you think we should take a look first know, walking?", I ask.

"Why?", He asks. Why? He's asking why?.

"Well I don't know maybe because we once had a teacher chasing after us", I say.

"Well you're right there",

I raise a brow at his statement, "What?", I ask a bit confused.

"We once had but not anymore", he smiles and I sigh but let out a small smile either way.

We reach the parking lot safely and I couldn't be more glad. Noah opens the door for me and I help myself get in. He gives me a look.


"Have you been secretly practicing?", He asks teasingly and I roll my eyes chuckling a bit.

"Yeah that's why you're car is always parked wrongly on your driveway", I say jokingly but his eyes widen.

"Wait for real?", He asks, "Because it's always like that".

"Because you never park well Noah", I say as a matter of fact.

"You know alot of things about me don't you", he says with a smirk and I look away.

"Um not that much", I say but it's a lie. I know alot about Noah mostly because he's been my friend for a long time now and I secretly admire him.

"Whatever you say princess", he says then closes the door. He walks to the other side of the car and gets in putting my backpack behind. He puts his seatbelt on and I'm too busy watching how he's arm muscles ripple everytime he holds something to put mine on.  

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