Chap 28 : Beauty sleep

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The ball flies in the air and I run after it, watching it through my head gear. Just as the speed of the ball reduces I ready my self to catch it and with a raise of my hand the ball fits perfectly into my palm. I run towards the goal line dodging the obstacles who try to get me down.

"Touch down", coach yells as I toss the ball down on the grass just after the goal line.

I take off my gear pushing my hair back. Some people sitting on the bleachers applaud. I walk towards the benches, getting a bottle of water from the water boy sitting at the front.

I take off the cap and gulp it down. Just as I turn I see coach approach me, "Kushner..", he trails as he walks up to me with a smile.

"Keep up the good work okay?", he says and I nod. The cheer team soon enters the field, since we're done with practice now they could have the field. It's usually them first but they didn't get here early and once the our practice starts you could never stop it.

I notice a blonde hair and I'm sure every else does. She isn't hard to miss. Her eyes meet mine so she stops the walk with her cheer team and decides to walk up to me.

"Waiting for someone?", she asks with a twirl of her blonde hair. It looks shinier today. A new shampoo maybe?.

"None that I know of", I say and she sighs.

"What's up with you Noah?", she asks looking a bit irritated but then her lips form a smile, "Wanna come over to my house?", she asks putting her hand on my shoulder.

I look down at her as she leans forward to whisper in my ear, "I promise it'll be worth it".

I smile so she smiles too, "You can give the offer to someone else", I say and her mouth goes open in shock. Maybe her ego can come back to earth because it certainly couldn't fit in here before.

I walk away from her hearing her scoff and groan as she walks back to her cheer team. I hear to the locker room getting a few handshakes from some of my teammates. It's a usual thing though being the captain and all. Almost like people look up to you, you know?.

I take off my shirt tossing it on the bench before pulling my phone out of my locker and then sitting down. I unlock it and I sigh when I see the notifications flooding the screen. I check if anyone's from a certain person but sigh even more when I don't find any.

She never tries anymore, it's like she's given up. I don't blame her though, it's all my fault. If I didn't ignore her texts back then, then maybe things would have been different.

I tap into our chats, I scoff at the messages I see. All are from her, she's been texting since.. since ever and I only ever replied once. With a 'k' really Noah, a 'k'? An okay would have been way better.

I put my phone on the bench sighing as I place my head in my hands. This is why she didn't wanna hang out. I've let her down too much.. I still can't believe I asked a girl out and she straight out declined. She didn't even think about it. She'd rather hang out with that buzz cut kid.

I scoff crossing my arms around my chest. What does he have anyway? Or is she into guys with buzz cuts now? I mean, she did draw him.

I've been with her for like, the longest time and she hasn't even drawn me. Even if it's just my face.. so unfair if you'd ask me. I know I'm partly to blame for that since I disappeared from her life for a while but I've been working for lost times... But I guess that doesn't matter though, not when I've left for too long.

After my shower I change into my clothes and head out to the parking lot. I sigh when I see Loren by my car. What the heck is she doing there?.

She straightens when she sees me coming and clears her throat when I'm faced with her.

"Could you give me a ride?", she asks biting the bottom of her lip. Is it necessary though? I know a girl who doesn't do that but she's still pretty.

"What happened to your car?", I ask.

"It broke down", she pouts. Again is it really?.

"Want me to check it out for you?", I ask and she quickly shakes her head.

"Oh no, it's fine I already called someone to come check it out", she says with a feigned smile.

"Then wait for them", I say unlocking my car to get in but she stops me.

"It'll take ages for them to get it fixed and I need to get home for my beauty sleep. You know how important my beauty sleep is right?", she says placing her hands on my arm.

I look down at it then back at her, "Fine get in", I say and she smiles walking around to get into the car. I get in as well immediately starting it up.

She places her bag behind just as I place mine, our hands brush and her eyes flickers to mine. I pull away getting my hands on the wheel.

I drive out of school, getting into the road. I feel her stare as I drive, "Are we in a staring-", I cut myself off. What am I doing? She isn't Abby.

"What?", she asks.

"Nothing", I mutter taking a left turn to her house.

She sighs, "You can't be upset with me forever, you know?", she says then places her hand on my leg. I glance at it for a quick second.

I'm glad when I get to her house parking in front of it. "We're here", I inform her and she tilts her head to the side.

"Why don't you come inside?", she asks.


I'm being cut off by Loren's mum walking towards us. How great!.

"Loren dear is that Noah with you?", she asks walking up to Loren's side of the car. Loren nods eagerly.

"Hi Mrs Lane", I greet warmly.

"Hi Noah, how are you?", she asks ever so nicely.

"I'm good", I reply and watch as Loren puts her hands on me again.

"Oh mum please tell Noah to come in with us", she says with a whine and I hold an eye roll. She's so dramatic.

Mrs Lane looks at me, "C'mon Noah it's been a while since you've stopped by", she says and I hold in a sigh.


I walk into the Lane's residence. It's actually been a while since I've come here.

"We'll be in my room mum", Loren says taking me by the hand and we go upstairs to her room.

She closes the door behind me as I stand awkwardly in the middle of her bedroom. She sighs when she sees me fixated in one position.

"Take a seat, you're not a stranger", she says pulling me to her bed. I sit and she sits next to me.

"Now that we're finally alone we can talk about us", she says and I raise a brow.

"Us?", I ask.

"Of course Noah, you've been shutting me out all week and to think it's just cause of some stranger", she says and I frown a bit.

"If anything, you're the stranger in this story", I tell her and she has a shocked look on her face.

"What?", she asks, "I've been here for you Noah..", she trails then places a hand on my cheek.

In a hushed tone she says, "She hasn't". Loren lowers her lips to my cheeks kissing them lightly.

Loren pushes me down to her bed and with a leg being crossed over my body, she's hovering over me.

"I thought you needed beauty sleep?", I ask and she smirks.

"Well, I do but there's something better now", she says then tugs at my pants. She proceeds to take her hand into it but I stop her sitting up.

"Well unlike you, beauty sleep is actually important to some people", I say then push her off me. Her face emits shock and anger at the same time.

I get down from the bed then walk out of her room. When I hear her scream behind the door, I smirk. Whore.

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