Chap 12: A tutor huh

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I didn't make it to first period, not that I care but it might have an effect on my report card. Though I don't really care about that right now. What I really cared about was Noah and how I was going to apologise to him.

I let out a sigh as I open my locker. I'm not really feeling up to my next class but I'm going anyway. The whole Noah issue just put me off. I don't really like offending people so this is a mood turn off for me.

Just as I close my locker I see a pair of green eyes looking right at me.

"Abby right?", He asks and I nod turning fully to him. I wonder what he wants to say to me. I just hope he doesn't think I'm a freak for the drawing on the sketch book.

"Yeah", I say slowly.

Buzz cut boy let's out a stutter as he scratches the back of his head nervously.

"Uh I just um wanted to know if you got out safely yesterday", he says shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Um yeah I did", I say then add, "Thanks for asking".

"Yeah sure", he says and we awkwardly stand there for a while before he speaks, "I know this is weird because you don't know me but I thought you're drawing was cool".

"I didn't get the chance to tell you yesterday", he says and honestly I feel appreciated by his words. It's nice to see someone not take things the wrong way.

"Thanks.. alot of people would think it's weird", I say then nervously chuckle.

He nods, "Can I see it?".

"What?", I ask. No way he's asking to see the drawing again.

"The drawing. Can I see it again?", He asks again and I nod.

"Yeah sure", I say opening my bag to get my sketch book out. I take it out of my bag then then open to the page where I drew him. He takes it from me.

"Um can I take a picture of it?", He asks and I also look into the book.

"Uh yeah", I say and he smiles.

"Oh great", he says then brings his phone out of his pocket.

"Why don't you just take the sketch?", I ask and his eyes widens.

"Wait really?", He asks and I nod, "Isn't this like, you know apart of your collection or something?", He asks. Whatever I draw stays in my sketch book but only the drawings of Noah and I are really precious so this could go.

"Yeah but I mean since you like it so much I feel you should have it", I say then take it from him since he's still surprised. I carefully pull out the page so it won't get to another. When it's out I hand it to him.

He takes it, "Thanks", he says and it feels genuine.

"Sure thing", I say with a little smile that he returns.

"Um I'll just.. um I don't wanna hold you up so uh bye", he stutters and I nod.

"Yeah sure bye", I say and he leaves looking at the drawing in his hand. I smile. Surprising how he actually likes it.

I walk into class and when I see the window seats taken I almost groan. Why can't they seat somewhere else?. I move to the back taking a seat.

The teacher soon walks in and the rowdy class settles down. I look up and freeze when I see who the teacher is.

Mr Warren walks in moving straight to the desk. What in the fudge bucket is he doing here?.

"Today I'll be taking Mr Fornals spot because he's out today", he says and I put my head down

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