Chap 20: Dark fairy tale

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It was tempting not to eat all those chocolates but I managed to give them away to Callie and Hernandez. After lunch we all go our separate ways and I arrive at my next class.

I sit down at the front row next to the window of course, with everything that's happened I deserved even if it's a minute break to just stare out the window and think of anything other than why I'm fat.

As I get lost in the view of the sky people start filing into the class. The little whispers getting into my ear intensifies so I look up and I'm surprised to see Noah. I don't remember him taking this class.

His eyes land on me for a split second before it roams round the class. What is he doing here?.

"Who's Mike Finley?", He asks and everyone starts muttering looking behind at the brunette who's sitting at the back of the class. I also join them, looking behind as well.

It's not too surprising that Mike looks behind too, ignoring the fact that he's actually the last person on the row. Not gonna lie, I'd do the same.

"Um.. me?", He answers raising his hand up looking confused. Again, don't blame him.

Noah's eyes instantly locks with his and he strides to the end of the class where Mike sat and without any form of hesitation he strikes a punch across his face. The whole class gasps and gasps again when there's another punch delivered.

Noah stands straight and like the Greek looking god he is, he pushes his hair back then says, "Anyone else wanna make fun of her size?".

Everyone looks around confusingly before putting two and two together and focusing their eyes on me. Wonder if they're that smart in math.

Noah walks to me and his once hard face softens, "I'm sorry. I just wanted you to be happy", he says and I'm completely dumbfounded.

"Settle down class", the teacher says walking in. He looks up and easily notices Mike holding his face and wincing in pain. "Is-

Noah cuts him off in an instant, "I'll take him to the infirmary", he says then walks back to Mike. Everyone watches him as he whispers something into Mike's ear and how they walk out of the class.

"Okay let's begin with today's work", Mr Alan says and then there's another class of me being lost.


Once the bell rings everyone flashes out of the class while I slowly pack my things. I notice the silhouette of three people so I look up and when I see three familiar girls I sigh. (The same girls from chapter 2).

"You have alot of explaining to do", the black haired girl, who seems to always be the first to speak, says. I'm assuming she's the somewhat leader of whatever clique they're having.

"Yeah what's your deal with Noah?", The second asks so I'm guessing they're taking turns now.

"And why was he apologizing to you?", The third asks and the way she says the you it's like when you take food poisoning and are throwing up.

"I have nothing with Noah and I don't know why he's apologizing", I say getting up with my bag on my shoulders. I walk away to the door but unfortunately I'm stopped by a pull on my bag.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?", Black haired girl says and I'm about to say home when someone walks into the class.

"Abby?", I turn to see Hernandez. His eyes move from the girls to me and then the hand on my bag. "Everything alright here?", He asks eyeing them.

"Yeah", she says, "We were just catching up, right Abby?", She asks but I don't answer. I shrug my bag off her grip instead.

"Let's go", I say and he nods giving the girls a glance before we walk out of the class.

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