Chap 18: Buzz light-year

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I'm pretty sure boys fighting over you is a dream every girl wishes to live through so even if it doesn't seem that way I'm still striking it out of my bucket list.

"Can we have the lesson in your house?", I ask Noah and he snickers so I raise a brow.

"No", he says then turns to Hernandez, "Look she's tutoring me today so you'll just have to reschedule, right princess?", Noah looks down at me and I gulp looking at his piercing brown eyes. They're so commanding. They can literally compel you to do things, almost like a spell.

I turn to Hernandez and it's like his eyes were the greenest things I've ever looked at. It seemed less commanding than Noah's. It.. was like a calm and steady river. It was pleading.

"I can tutor both of you", I say and they both glance at me before each other.

"No", they both say simultaneously and I sigh before putting a brave face on.

"Then I tutor no one", I say and Hernandez sighs.

"Fine. You can tutor us both", he says and we turn to Noah.

He rolls his eyes, "Fine".

"So uh where's it gonna be?", Hernandez asks and I look back at Noah.

He sighs, "Come on in", he says so Hernandez goes to his bike to get his bag which he placed on the handle with the help of the bag straps.

We get into the house just as Carmen walks into the living room with a plate of peanut butter sandwiches.

"Good evening ma'am", Hernandez says picking up Carmen's attention.

"Evening dear, how are you?", She politely asks as always.

"Good", he replies.

"Are you a friend of Noah?", She asks and he looks at Noah for quick second before looking back at her.

"A friend of Abby, yeah", he nods and she nods too.

"Ok why don't you take a seat while I go bring more sandwiches", she says then hurries to the kitchen.

He looks at me, "Is he adopted?", He mutters to me and I snort holding a laugh in.

I take a seat on the couch and so does Hernandez, sitting next to me. Noah walks to us and takes a seat on the couch, sitting next to me as well. I awkwardly swallow saliva down my throat as I sit inbetween them.

"So um what um what..", I stop my stutter to take a breath before saying, "Let's see what's in the bag".

"Oh okay", he says then takes out his books from his bag. I smile when I see algebra. That's gonna be the easiest to teach.

"Where would you like me to start from?", I ask and I hear a cough from my right side so I turn to look at Noah. "Are you.. okay?".

"No no, it's fine.. yeah sure", he says awkwardly.

"Okay", I say averting my eyes to Hernandez again. "How about we start from algebra?", I suggest and he nods.

"Uh okay".

"Okay, so there's four steps in knowing how to solve algebraic equations", I say and he nods.

"Can you give me a pen?", I ask so he fishes one out of his bag. I take it and write down on his book. I write down the four steps I had written for Asher. I sigh when I remember how our lesson went. He's gonna be the first person I tutored who didn't get to finish the tutoring.

"You can study these first while I help Noah with..", I turn to Noah, "Something", I finish and he smiles. I roll my eyes, "Get a book Noah".

"You can teach me without a book. You're that smart", he says and I chuckle but then put up a serious face, "I can't. So go get a book that you have a problem with so I can help you solve it".

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