Chap 39 : Misplaced priorities

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I slow down when I get to the Flenory's residence. Their lights were still on and I wondered if she was awake. Pretty sure buzz head had already brought her back.

I grimace slightly when I remember how she wrapped her arms around him on the bike. I'm sure he felt like he had her already.. dumbass.

I drive home, I notice another car parked outside as I step out of mine. I walk in, knowing who's already behind the doors.

"Oh sweetie you're back", my mum chirps like she's been waiting for me all day.

"Yeah", I say searching the living room.

"He's upstairs", she says noticing my wandering eyes.

I nod then continue my walk but my mum stops me, "Dear?",

I sigh stopping, the alcohol was making me drowsy and I really don't want her to notice it. She hates when I drink.

"Did you stop by to see Abby?", she asks.

"No..", I trail watching her expression morph into disappointment.

"You know you're like her only friend, so it would be nice if you checked up on her. I'm sure she had a really hard time today..",

"What happened?", I ask getting concerned. If that buzz head kid had something to do with this then I'm turning him bald.

"While we were at the book club today her mum got a call saying she passed out so she left early", she explains.

"Why? What happened? Is she okay now?",

"I'm sure she's fine, her mum said it wasn't a big deal.. just wait for tomorrow, she might be sleeping already. She's had a long day", she says leaving me to the kitchen.

"And where are you coming from?", I look up to see Mr kushner walking down the stairs.

"A friends", I answer as fast as the question came in. The alcohol effect is getting stronger and I'm so not ready for any of his strictness right now.

I don't wait for him to speak again before I start rushing up the stairs.

"Goodnight", I yell as I turn into the hallway.

My dad isn't as easy going as my mum. She's more of the spare the rod and spoil the child kinda parent but my dad on the other hand is just so uptight.. seriously can't take a joke.

So that's why I'm so grateful his job takes him for weeks. His absence is my serenity. I love it when he's not around.

I take off my shirt once I get into my room. I slowly walk to my window.. I open it and take my head out. The wind instantly reaches me as I stare at her closed window. Her lights were turned off so it was impossible for me to see anything.

I sigh.. I don't know why she's so mad at me. Why do I always fuck things up with her? I never know what to do..

And she doesn't make things less difficult. It's like she thinks I can read minds or something.

Another sigh escapes my lips.. I'm just a boy, dang it.


Everytime I have an intention to drive Abby to school I always wake up early. On other days that I don't I go to school late or don't go at all.. just ditch and spend hours in Asher's until it's time for practice.

I walk downstairs swirling my keys in hand. A low rhythmic whistle plays out of my lips as I walk to the door but I stop when the sweet smell of muffins hit my nose.

I walk to the kitchen. My mum takes off her mittens and when she sees me she smiles. Always chirpy, I love it unlike Mr grumpy.. it's like he has no reason to smile even when there's a lot of it.. I mean, first off look at your wife. She's gorgeous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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