Chap 36 : Me And Silence

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We ride for a while and I could say I wish it'd never end but I'm super hungry and if I don't eat I might pass out. Literally.

My stomach growls again and due to how my body's pressed against Hernandez he feels the rumble so he glances back in a swift second.

"You hungry?", he asks and I don't even hesitate, nodding eagerly. "Let's grab some food then", I nod again to that cause it's a very fine idea.

We make a stop at a burger shack and I take my time to get down from the bike.. don't wanna fall, especially not in public. I've done that too many times.

As I take off the helmet Hernandez gets down. I hand it to him and he takes it with a small smile.

"C'mon", he says and we walk into the restaurant. He leads us to a table and I'm glad when it's next to a window. I like window seats.

Hernandez puts his bag aside while I grab the menu. I sigh when I see there's nothing healthy on it..

"Can't make a choice?", he asks and I look up. Oh believe me I can but I'm too bent on not adding weight that I might actually starve and kill myself.

"Uh.. yeah..", I trail and he nods.

"Yeah me neither but I hear their onion rings are good", he says and I nod. That's gonna add so much calories to my system.

I drop the menu, "So what'd you decide on?".

"Uh.. water looks.. fine", I stretch and he raises a brow.

"Uh.. okay?", he stretches as well and then calls up a waiter to place our orders.

"So um, what's up with you and Noah?", he asks and I sigh. It's like everyone around me wants to talk about him. He's everywhere, school, home.. even here with Hernandez!.

"Nothing", I say and he nods, biting the bottom of his lip.

"What happened to your neck?", he asks and I hum in question but then realize what he's talking about so I slap my hand on my neck.

"It's uh.. it's nothing.. just a bad rash", I tell him.

"Oh should I take a look at it for you?", he asks with concern.

"Oh no, no it's fine", I assure him with a tight smile and he nods.

The waiter comes and places fresh good looking food on Hernandez's side of the table and then places water on mine.

He looks at me after thanking the waiter, "Are you sure you're okay with just water?", he asks and it reminds me of Asher. That jerk.


"I thought you said you were hungry though", he points out and I shake my head.

"Uh no, ran out of appetite", I say and he nods.

"Okay", he says with a shrug and picks up his burger. I watch as his mouth makes contact with it, taking a big bite from it, his teeth sinks into the beef and lettuce and I can't help but drool at the sight of gloriousness.

Hernandez chews and when he catches me staring I look away gnawing at the insides of my gum.

"The um..", he stops to swallow, "Burger's good", he mentions and I can't thank him enough for the information. Note my sarcasm.

I smile, a strained one, "Be right back", I say then excuse myself from the table. I head to the restroom, I clench on to the sink.

I feel light headed, almost sick. I take a few deep breaths then splash some water on my face.

"You're okay", I tell myself although I wasn't sure.

I walk back to the table rendering a smile at Hernandez when I sit down. He was done with his burger now and his onion rings were the next target.

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