Chap 13: Homework slave

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I walk into the library making sure to stop by Mrs Schioler's desk before walking in to take a seat by the windows so I can wait for Asher.

Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours and hours turn into me standing outside the school library. I can't believe no I actually knew this would come someday. Since he's popular he wouldn't really care about missing things like this. I mean it's stupid to people like him.

I angrily walk outside school. I've wasted hours doing nothing. If I see him again.. no I'm not gonna go haywire on him, I'm weak in case you haven't noticed, I'm just gonna tell him I can't be his tutor anymore. Besides I have a new student now.

I stop when I see the parking lot full with preps. I easily spot Noah from where I stood. He leans on his car as Loren leans into him. That stupid blonde. She's everywhere and I can't believe Noah would actually be with her everytime after he spray painted her house. He's just as unbelievable as her.

My eyes land on Asher and I scoff when I see him making out with a blonde girl. He missed tutoring for a blonde. How smart. They're all dumb for blondes.

Just as I turn to walk out of here a bike comes stopping right in front of me. I put a hand on my chest. I was really shocked just now.

The biker gently takes off his helmet and I'm even more shocked to see buzz- Hernandez. He rides a bike and a cool one at that. The bike's really shiny. Almost like they just bought it.. or maybe he just washes it regularly.

"Need a ride?", He asks and I blink. He said what?.

"Uh it's.. I'm not sure I can get in", I tell him. He looks at his bike.

"I'll help you", he says then gets down. Wait is he really serious with this?. What if I fall with his bike? What if.. what if I'm too fat to get in.

"You okay?", He ask and I look up. He looks at me with concern and I nod, trying to look okay.

"Uh yeah it's just that I don't think I can really get in", I say putting a hand on my elbow so I wouldn't stand awkwardly.

"It's fine. There's always a first time for everything", he smiles and I smile back. "Okay so it's simple. You just have to put your foot her then toss yourself-

"Toss?", I ask looking frightened.

"Not entirely.. I mean, you just have to lift yourself up so you can get the other leg over", he explains and I nod.

"Yeah. So you ready?", He asks and I gulp.

"Uh..", I trail still not sure if I wanted to go with this plan.

"It's okay I'm here in case you fall", he says and I nod. Nice of him to offer to catch me. Pretty sure alot of people would move away just so I could fall. Wish is why crowd surfing has never been in my bucket list.

"..-", I don't even get the chance to let a word out when someone cuts me off.

"Her weight's gonna destroy your bike!", Someone yells and I turn to see Loren laughing with her friends. Noah, who she's resting on, has a neutral expression although he's brows are somewhat creased.

"Uh maybe this was a bad idea. I should.. I should go", I say already turning to leave but he stops me.

"Don't talk to her like that", Hernandez says loud enough for them to hear and actually stop laughing.

"Who's he?", Someone asks.

"Probably another guy she's helping out with homework. She's a homework slave", Loren says causing more laughter to erupt. Her insults didn't hurt me as much as Noah's silence. I watch him just stand there.

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