Chapter 21

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I woke up around seven in the morning, showered, got dressed and went downstairs for tea. My head was throbbing but it was manageable I'd say, atleast I wasn't on the verge of blacking out like yesterday.

I talked with mom for a while and then decided to cook breakfast for myself, after having my breakfast and doing a little bit of reading I decided on something that I've been contemplating on since I woke up... I need to thank Isaac.

No matter how shitty his behaviour has been towards me, without his help last night I might have been in a horrible situation right now.

It's already 10:20 am but he hasn't come down for breakfast or office yet, he never sleeps in so late... this is weird.

After thinking for another 10 minutes I decided to go upstairs, I should just go and thank him. I climbed the stairs hurriedly and was standing in front of his bedroom door, a little shudder ran through me as I remembered the last time I was standing outside his bedroom door like this.

I slowly opened the door and took a peek inside, Isaac was nowhere in sight, maybe he's in the shower or something, maybe I should thank him later.

I was ready to leave but just then the bathroom door opened and out came Isaac with just a towel wrapped around his waist, his toned abs and muscular body on full display.

"You need something?" he asked in a soft tone which took me by surprise. He's never this nice for no reason, what's gotten into him?

For a moment I almost forgot what I wanted to tell him "Can you hurry up? I have to get dressed" he said and this time there was a hint of old Isaac in him.

"Oh yes I just- you know for last night-  I don't know what-" I struggled with my words.

"Can you please come straight to the point?" he asked in frustration.

"Thank you, that's all I wanted to say" my voice came out so weak, I'm sure he didn't hear me.

"I mean for last night-" I wanted to clarify but he didn't let me finish

"You're welcome, now if you'll excuse me I have to get dressed, I'm already running late for office" and with that he disappeared inside the huge closet leaving me standing there like a fool but hey atleast he wasn't rude and had the decency to say 'you're welcome'

I went back downstairs mentally preparing myself for yet another boring day at this personal prison of mine.


It's been three whole days since I came back and I was contemplating whether I should ask Isaac about going back to my mother for a while, the reason he bought me here for is no where to be seen, I don't know what happened that day at dinner but Isaac's aunt and cousin never came back to visit and I never asked him why, as far as I remember they were supposed to stay for the entire weekend but it's monday now, maybe it was a one day trip or something, either way I'm happy that I didn't have to deal with his aunt and cousin again.

I'm still sleeping in his room when there's no reason for me to do so, the only upgrade I've gotten from last time is that I no longer sleep on that tiny couch, it's like we've come to some mutual arrangement where I line up pillows between us every night which acts like a barrier.

My phone started ringing, it was Ethan.

"Hey what's up?" I asked in a cheerful manner, I actually miss having him around, he moved to his newly renovated penthouse when I was staying with my mom and I never got to say goodbye to him.

"Nothing you don't already know" he replied in a stern voice, this is new, he's never like this.

"Ethan what do you mean? I'm confused"

"Your marriage with Isaac was arranged and you never told me about it, I thought we were friends" he stated, it sounded like he was hurt but he needs to know I couldn't have done anything even if I wanted to, Isaac and Phil were supposed to tell him the truth, not me.

"You're getting it all wrong Ethan" I tried to reason but he wasn't having it.

"No I'm not" he retaliated.

"Ethan please don't act like this, it doesn't matter how good of a friend you are to me or I am to you, this secret wasn't mine to tell. I don't care about Isaac but I care about Phil, I respect him and I don't think going behind his back would've been a good decision" I explain to him hoping he understands.

"Does it not bother you that my dad literally used you for the benefit of his son?" he asked and I winced, truth hurts.

"To be honest with you, it kind of hurts but then again Phil never pressurised me into marrying Isaac, I decided to marry him, it was my decision and I have to live with it... I did it for my father thinking I'll be able to honour his memory like this but I was wrong, I made a stupid decision when I was in a very bad place in my life" I pour out my heart to him and hear an audible sigh from the other end.

"You're going to divorce him after six months?" he asks and a gasp leaves my mouth, how does he know?

"How do you know about this?" I ask in shock, if Isaac finds out he'll get angry but I guess he's the one who told Ethan about our arrangement, Ethan has no other way to find out about it, I'm sure it's Isaac ; he told Ethan about our marriage and the six months contract we've arranged, yes that must be the case.

"Well, let's just say the dinner with aunt Evelyn didn't go as planned and a lot of truth bombs were dropped on the dinner table" I could hear the hesitation in his voice but now it's my turn to interrogate him.

"Tell me what happened... please" I pleaded with him and prepared myself for whatever he's going to say next.

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