Dragon training

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Hiccup's POV

I woke up this morning and got ready for dragon training. Ugh I don't want to go but I have to I don't want to disappoint my dad. I walked down stairs and grabbed some bread to eat on my way to the arena. Walking out the door and out towards the arena. When I reached the arena I could hear the others talking about how they wanted some burns and scratches from the training.

"Yeah. Pain Love it." I said sarcastically as I walked in.

"Ugh who let him in?" Tuffnut asked.

Gobber then walked in.

"Alrighty lets get started. The recruit that does the best gets to kill their first dragon in front of the village." Gobber said. 

Ugh I hope its not me. Gobber then started going on about the different dragons that we will be learning to fight. I was stood next to Fishlegs who was muttering the power of the dragons. 

"WOULD YOU STOP THAT!" Gobber shouted before continuing with the dragon.

After he finished explaining Gobber walked towards a lever and put his hand on it.

"WAIT! Aren't you going to teach us first?!" Snotlout asked.

"I believe in learning on the job." Gobber said pulling the lever.

The Gronckle came flying out and ate some rocks that were on the side. 

"Today is all about survival. Get blasted your dead. Now what is the first thing you need." Gobber continued.

"A doctor?!" I said startled.

"Plus five speed" Fishlegs shouted.

"A shield" Astrid answered.

"Shields! Go! Your most important piece of equipment is your shield! If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield!" Gobber shouted at us so we could hear him.

We all ran towards the shields and grabbed one or well most of us did the twins picked the same shield which lead to them arguing to the being blasted and going out.

"Those shields are good for another thing: noise! Make lots of it to throw off a dragon's aim!" Gobber told us.

The remainder of us started banging our weapons on our shields. 

"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have?" Gobber asked.

"Five?" Snotlout asked.

"No, six" Fishlegs said correcting him.

I moved behind a plank of wood so I wouldn't get hurt. Fishlegs shield got blasted and he ran off screaming. I heard Gobber scream at me to get into the fight. I heard Snotlout and his failed attempt at flirting with Astrid. Astrid who was paying attention to the dragon rolled out of the way of its blast leading to Snotlout getting blasted which I found kind of funny.

"So it's just you and me." I said to Astrid.

"Nope just you" She said before running off.

The dragon blasted at me and I lost me shield. I ran after it and the dragon followed hot on my heels. I heard Gobber scream my name but I was to busy running away from the dragon to answer back. Soon the dragon had me cornered and was getting ready to fire. Gobber came and saved me just in time. 

"That's six! Go back to bed you overgrown sausage." Gobber said.

Gobber looked at me then said "Remember: A dragon always ALWAYS goes for the kill."

I looked at Gobber and walked out of the arena back to where I met (Y/N) ready for Dragon training, but before I went to the cover where she said to meet I stopped at the bola I had used to shoot down the Night fury and crouched and picked it up weighing it in my hand. 

"So why didn't you" I asked myself.

Hey Loves,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I do plan on updating this story daily but whether or not I can do that is another matter.

Anyways bye for now loves,

Phoenix out.

(623 words)

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