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Hiccup's POV

Lately Astrid has been getting suspicious of me because I became good at dragon training. After the training with the Terrible Terror I was spotted with Toothless' harness as I had taken it to do an adjustment. She was throwing her axe at a tree and as soon as she had spotted me she tried to follow me but I managed to lose her by going behind a rock and hiding in the bushes. Now today was the day that the person to kill the Monstrous Nightmare. I had no intention of winning this so I just did what I usually did and I got pick to kill the dragon. After that I ran as fast as I could to the cove where I knew (Y/N) would be. I got there and stopped as I saw how peaceful she/he/they looked with the dragons. I didn't know much about her/his/their life but I knew one thing and that was I never wanted to lose her/him/them.

"Hey Hiccup." (Y/N) said as she/he/they saw me panting as I stood close by.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, how about yourself? You seem like you've just ran away from a mob of angry dragons," She/he/they joked.

We laughed until she/he/they went quiet. I looked at her/him/them and she/he/they looked scared. I turned around and saw ASTRID!? What in Thor's name is she doing here?

"So you have a teacher that is teaching you all about dragons huh? " Astrid asked.

"NO-- I mean no she/he/they are just a friend," I replied. 

I mean I weren't lying she/he/they are my friend even though I wanna be more than that but anyways I didn't want Astrid to know that (Y/N) was teaching me how to train a Night fury. 

"So what's your name?" Astrid asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

"So what's your name?" Astrid asked me.

"Umm my name is (Y/N)." I replied nervously.

I looked at Hiccup and pleaded for him to save me. He must of understood as he tried to distract Astrid the best he could until she heard Toothless and Luna. Oh my Thor can't you both stay hidden. Astrid then looked in the direction she hear the noise and saw Toothless and Luna both coming out from behind a rock.

"GET DOWN!" Astrid shouts as she pushes Hiccup to the floor and got up with her axe in her hand.

Luna immediately came to my side to protect me. Toothless went to attack Astrid but Hiccup stopped him and tried to reason with Astrid. Astrid ran off and Toothless waddled away from the problem. 

"Da, da-da we're dead." Hiccup said.

"Where do you think your going?" I asked Toothless

Me and Hiccup both climbed onto our dragons and went after Astrid. Toothless found Astrid and grabbed her by the arms and puts her on top of a tree.

"Hiccup get me down from here!" Astrid shouts.

I landed on a different tree close by and watched as Hiccup convinced Astrid to get on Toothless and go for a fly.

"Ok Toothless down gently." I heard Hiccup say to Toothless. 

Toothless being well Toothless didn't do as he was told as he flew up quickly. I giggled and Luna did a dragon like laugh before we followed. 

"Whoa Toothless what is wrong with you. what are you doing?! we need her to like us. And now we're spinning. Thank you for nothing you useless reptile." I heard Hiccup say as Toothless spins in front of us. 

"Ok I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just please get me down from here?" Astrid said as Toothless finally relaxed and stopped spinning.

Luna and I caught up. 

"Alright, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... amazing. He's amazing. So what now? Hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow. You know you're going to have to kill a.." Astrid said out loud before looking at the dragons.

"A dragon" Astrid whispers.

Toothless and Luna suddenly dodge. 

"Toothless. What? What's going on?" Hiccup asked.

I looked around and saw we where in the middle of a flock of dragons.

"Their hauling in their kill." I said to them as we landed out of sight. 

I looked at all the different dragons around the place and then noticed a girl in the shadows on a dragon. I couldn't make out their appearance very well but their dragon was black and white. and look like Luna and Toothless in one dragon.

"Alright bud you gotta get us out of here." Hiccup said and then took off into the fleeing dragons, I followed behind. 

The dragon lunged at us but missed and grabbed a Zippleback instead. We flew to a beach and landed safely. 

"No, it totally makes sense. It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers, and their queen. It controls them. Let's find your Dad." Astrid suggested.

I looked at Hiccup and he looked at me worry laced in his eyes.

"NO-- No we can't not yet. They'll... kill Toothless and Luna and hurt (Y/N). Astrid, we have to think this through carefully." Hiccup said with worry in his voice.

"Hiccup, we just discovered the Dragons' Nest. The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here. And you want to keep it a secret?! To protect your pet dragon?! And your girlfriend /boyfriend and her/his/their dragon?! Are you serious?!" Astrid asked.

Both me and Hiccup blushed at the comment she made about me being his girlfriend/boyfriend.

"Yes!" I said.

"Ok then what do we do?" Astrid asked.

"Just give me till tomorrow. I'll figure out a plan." Hiccup said.

"Okay." Astrid said.

Astrid then walked over to us and punched us in the arm. 

"That for kidnapping me..." She said.

She than goes to Hiccup and kisses his check.

"That's for everything else." She said before running off.

I couldn't help but feel jealous because of what she did. Hiccup saw me and looked at me with soft eyes. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead before leaving with Toothless following behind him. I stood there blushing like crazy. I wish I could be with him all the time soon after I couldn't help but think of the girl I saw in the dragon nest. Who is she? Is she like me and lives without parents? Where is she from? I flew home on Luna and went to bed and got some well earned rest.


Hey Loves,

I'm so sorry about the wait for this chapter I hope you enjoyed and are having the best day/night where ever you are in the world. next chapter will be out soon I promise.

Bye for now,

Phoenix out

 (1075 words)

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