Helheim's gate & The Deadly Nadder

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Stoick's POV

We had left Berk a few weeks ago and we were now outside Helheim's gate.

"I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady." I said.

We floated over the water for a few minutes.

"Take us in" I said.

"Hard to port...for Helheim's gate" A Viking behind me said.

We disappear into the fog that covered the dragons nest. And then we got attacked by some dragons. Great now we have several boats destroyed and some in pieces but still able to float.

Authors POV

Meanwhile back on Berk the teens were Dragon training with a Deadly Nadder in a maze. Hiccup was busy trying to get information on his newly found friend/pet. 

"AAAH! I'm starting to question your teaching methods." Fishlegs screamed.

"Look for its blind spot every dragon has on find it, hide in it and strike!" Gobber said.

The twins who had ran into the dragon hid in its blind spot and started to argue which caused the Nadder to attack.

"Blind spot, yes! Deaf spot, not so much. Heh, heh, heh." Gobber said.

"So how would one sneak up on a Night Fury." Hiccup questions.

"No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. NOW, GET IN THERE!" Gobber shouted annoyed.

Astrid soon got Hiccup's attention and told him to get down. The Nadder stood in front of them and Snotlout tried to show off to Astrid but failed. 

Soon the walls of the maze started to collapse and Astrid was being chased by the Nadder. Hiccup was standing there not knowing what to do.

"HICCUP!" Astrid screamed as she fell towards him.

"Oh~ love on the battlefield" Tuffnut laughed.

Astrid and Hiccup were struggling to get away from each other. Astrid's axe was stuck in Hiccup's shield. The Nadder was running at them and as soon as it got close Astrid had managed to pull away from Hiccup and swing her axe at the Nadder. 

"Is this some kind of a joke to you?! Our parents' war is about to become ours! Figure out which side you're on." Astrid said to Hiccup threating Hiccup with her axe.

Hiccup's POV

"Is this some kind of a joke to you?! Our parents' war is about to become ours! Figure out which side you're on." Astrid said to me threating me with her axe.

I walked to the blacksmith and into my little area. I looked at the sketches (Y/N) gave me and I looked at the tail fin I had been working on last night. Well (Y/N) said that we were meeting up at night so I guess I could work on a saddle and the tail fin. I got to work on the tail fin first looking from the sketch to the metal I was working on to make the rods to support the fabric. Once I had finished the tail fin I looked outside and saw that it was about 2 hours till sundown and about 3 hours till complete darkness so I got to work on the saddle making a little support hook for when I have made my flying suit. About two and a half hours later I had finished the saddle making everything that (Y/N) had put in her sketch. How did she know how to make this and how did she know I was going to need to make a bit for the tail fin? Eh doesn't matter. I saw that is was about 30 minutes till dark so I only made the belt and the hook to Toothless' saddle. I put on the belt and walked out with the tail fin and saddle in my hands walking towards the cove where (Y/N) said to meet. 

Hey Loves,

first chapter of the day and probably the only chapter today. I hope you have a good day/night where ever you are in the world.

bye for now loves,

Phoenix out.

(630 words)

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