Flight test

18 1 7

Hiccup's POV

I walked to the cove to see (Y/N) playing with toothless and her dragon, Luna.

"Hey Hiccup," (Y/N) shouted.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you this fine evening." I asked walking towards her.

"I'm fine thank you. So what's that your holding." (Y/N) asked.

"Oh just a saddle and tail fin for Toothless," I replied.

Toothless and Luna came bouncing over. Toothless sniffed at the saddle and tail fin and sniffed it, then looked at me.

"Hey bud do you like it." I asked.

Toothless gave a low growl in reply. I looked at (Y/N) and smiled. She/He/They smiled back and looked at Toothless.

"Well have fun putting that on Toothless." she/he/they said turning away.

"Wait? What's that suppose to mean." I asked.

I didn't get an answer in reply so I just walked over to Toothless and put the tail fin on. After getting that done, I walked over to the saddle and picked it up and showed it to Toothless. Toothless smiled happily and ran away excited. I ran after Toothless and I heard (Y/N) giggle.

"Come on Toothless let me put it on you." I said.

Toothless stopped running and allowed me to put it on him starting with the saddle and down to the metal rod to help move the tail fin. 

"Alright done." I said as I stood up.

"Great. Now are you ready for a test flight." (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah I'm ready." I said excited.

(Y/N) called for her dragon, and Luna came over and (Y/N) jumped on. I jumped on Toothless' back and got ready and remembered to connect the strap so I wouldn't fall off. (Y/N) took off towards the sky and I followed. 

"Whoa!" I said.

"You alright." she/he/they asked.

"Yeah I'm good" I said. 

"Good now lets work on the tail movements." (Y/N) said.

We labeled and drew out the 6 different positions. (Y/N) gave me the sheet to memorize. We flew around the night sky working on the different positions. Soon enough I had them all/ most of them memorized. (Y/N) started climbing higher into the sky, I followed on Toothless but then the wind caught my sheet and Toothless stopped and the hook unhooked and both me and Toothless started falling I managed to grab the sheet and tried to grab Toothless but he kept spinning I could hear (Y/N) yelling at me. I finally managed to grab Toothless and jump back on him and re-hook myself. Me and Toothless both shrieked when we saw we were plummeting into trees. I pulled back on his saddle and glanced at the sheet, before tossing it away. We flew through the trees dodging each one. We reached the other side of the trees to see (Y/N) waiting for us.

"You did it. looks like my teaching skills are the best" (Y/N) said proud.

"Yep you did good." I said.

I looked at her/him/them and saw that she/he/they had a tint of red on her/his/their cheeks. I blushed to and looked away.

"Well I should go home I have Dragon Training tomorrow." I said flying back to the cove and landing Toothless.

"Well have fun, and shall I see you strait after training tomorrow?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

"Also take some dragon nip for training it may come in handy or go to the docks and get and eel all dragon's hate those." (Y/N) said handing me some dragon nip.

"Good idea." I replied taking the dragon nip.

I waved goodbye and walked off towards home. When I got home I put the dragon nip on a table and walked to the fish basket and found an eel. Perfect for whatever dragon we have tomorrow. I walked upstairs to get some well needed rest.

Hey Loves,

Another day another chapter and since Wattpad didn't save my story I had to write this one again so this will be they only chapter today. Hope you have a great day/night where ever you are  in the world,

Bye for now loves,

Phoenix out.  

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