Fun time with Toothless

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After I ran from dragon training to the cove. I spotted (Y/N) with Luna & Toothless. I walked down the cliff side and walked over to her/him/them.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you today." I asked.

"Oh hey Hiccup, I'm fine what about you?" she/he/they said.

Toothless came over and nudged my leg. Luna followed close behind but didn't come near me.

"I'm fine thank you. Hello Toothless." I said looking at her/him/them while scratching Toothless.

"That's good to hear. Today we aren't going flying we are just going to play with the dragons." (Y/N) said.

Toothless went over to (Y/N) and cooed at her/him/them. God she/he/they look amazing.  (Y/N) passed me a hammer and walked to an area in the sun. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Dragons like the reflection from something shiny so if we do this..." (Y/N) started as she/he/they made a white dot on the floor.

"...Then the dragons will follow it." She/he/they finished as Luna started to follow the light. 

"Wow!" I said.

I placed the hammer in the light and made the white dot and Toothless started to follow it.

"Awesome." I said amazed.

After a few minutes Luna and Toothless lost interest in the dot. (Y/N) got up and Luna nudged her/him/them.

"What else should we do?" I asked.

"How about we chase the dragons." She/he/they asked.

"You mean like how I had to chase Toothless to put his saddle on." I questioned.

"Exactly like that." she/he/they said before running off and chasing Luna and Toothless.

I quickly followed and chased Toothless. Toothless saw me and ran in the opposite direction to Luna and (Y/N). (Y/N) had managed to catch Luna and climbed onto her back. Luna flew over me and picked me up.

"AHH (Y/N) PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed.

"Luna drop Hiccup." (Y/N) said.

Luna let go of me and Toothless ran over and caught me before I hit the floor. (Y/N) flew down and climbed off Luna. (Y/N) walked over and giggled, I sat up and looked at her. 

"So what now?" I asked.

"Lets give the dragons some scratches they will love that!" (Y/N) said as she/he/they walked back over to Luna and gave Luna some scratches behind her ears and under her neck. I did the same to Toothless and soon later I saw Luna collapse onto the floor. I turned and looked at (Y/N) who stood there shocked. 

"That was unexpected." (Y/N) said shocked.

I laughed and looked at Toothless and found the spot that made Luna fall to the floor. 

"Wow" (Y/N) said walking closer to me.

I had no clue how close we were standing until she/he/they turned around. I could feel her/his /their breath on my face and I could feel my cheeks getting warmer. I looked at her/him/them and smiled and I smile back slightly shaking because of how cute and innocent she/he/they look.

"So I guess now that they are asleep you are going to go back home?" She/he/they asked.

"Umm well yeah I am but I had fun." I said moving back slightly. 

"Well I guess I will see you tomorrow then." She/he/they said with a hint of sadness. 

"Yeah sorry (Y/N) I will see you tomorrow after Training though." I said with a hint of sadness.

The thing was I had started to fall in love with her/him/them and it wasn't because of the way they looked it was the way that they cared for the dragons. It was amazing to find someone who cared for the dragons.

"Okay I guess its sun-down so I should head home to. Bye Hiccup." She/he/they said.

Before I left I kissed her/his/their forehead and walked away. She/he/they stood there for a few minutes before going over to Luna, who had apparently woke up, and climbed on her back and flew back to her/his/their home.


Hey Loves,

Sorry for the wait I've had a lot of things on my schedule and it screwed up my updates. I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long. Anyways have a good day/night where ever you are in the world.

Bye Loves,

Phoenix out.

(654 words)

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