Monstrous Nightmare

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Hiccup's POV

Today's the day I 'kill' the dragon in front of the entire village. Thor this is a nightmare. Astrid came up behind me scaring me more than I already was. I wasn't paying to much attention to my father's speech as it scares me on what I'm about to.

"Be careful with that dragon." Astrid said.

"Its not the dragon I'm worried about." I said nervously.

"What are you going to do?" Astrid asked.

"Put an end to this" I said.

Astrid eyed my doubtingly. Ah Thor save me.

"I have to try. Astrid. Promise me that if something goes wrong... Make sure they don't find Toothless, (Y/N) and Luna please." I asked almost begging her.

"I will just... promise it wont go wrong." Astrid said.

"Its time Hiccup." Gobber said.

I looked at Gobber and nodded. Gobber then opened the gate and I walked in picked up a dagger.

"I'm ready." I said.

The gate opened and the dragon came out.

???'s POV

"What is he doing?" Chief Stoick asked as the boy in the ring brought his hand up to the dragon.

"It's ok. It's ok." The boy said.

"Well girl I think this dragon is going to eat this boy. what do you think?" I asked my dragon.

She grumbled in response.

I looked back to the ring to see the dragon startled and chasing the boy and a girl.

"We'll save the boy soon girl." I said as she whines at me.

Soon a scream comes from the ring and I get my dragon to fire at the mettle bars.

"Fury Get Down" Gobber screams.

"Midnight attack the dragon but don't hurt it." I said 

"Take it alive." A Viking screamed.

"Get the girl too." Another screamed.

I managed to get the boy out the ring and to safety. Stoick then noticed me and went to grab me but I dodged and went to get to my dragon. Many Vikings got in my way trying to grab me but I dodged and used other Vikings against them.

"NO please she wont hurt you." I screamed as the Viking piled onto Midnight.

"No please stop your hurting her." I continued.

 "Put it with the others." I heard Stoick say.

I tried running to my dragon but the boy I saved earlier stopped me holding me back.

"Hey its ok she'll be fine." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Thyra. You are?" I asked.

"Hiccup." he said.

Soon I was teared from the Hiccup's gripped and taken to the hall.

"Who are you?" Stoick asked.

"Thyra sir." I responded.

"Why are you here?" Stoick asked.

"I was stopping by now can I have my dragon back." I asked annoyed.

"No that dragon can kill you." Stoick said raising his voice.

"Please she wont hurt you. She was protecting me. I promise she's not dangerous." I pleaded.

"They've killed hundreds of us." Stoick shouts.

"And we've killed thousands of them. They protect themselves, that's all. They raid to survive. They don't bring back enough food they get eaten themselves. Don't you see that." I shout back.

"You know where their nest is." Stoick asked/said.

"Did I say nest?" I asked.

"How did you find it." Stoick asked.

"I didn't find it Midnight did only a dragon can find their nest. That's why you struggle," I said.

Stoick looked at me not saying anything. No no no no Midnight please don't say it. Please say Midnight will be fine and I get her back and you wont use her against her will.

"Dad don't do it please." Hiccup said walking in.

"PLEASE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE WOULD YOU LISTEN TO ME!" Hiccup yells as Stoick starts walking to the door.

"This is a fight you wont win Stoick please listen to us." I yell.

Stoick walks out of the hall and me and Hiccup and standing their scared on what they are going to do to Midnight.

"READY THE SHIPS" We hear from outside.

We walk out and walk to somewhere close by to the dock to watch Midnight being loaded.

"We set sail for Helheim's Gate." Stoick orders.

"Lead us home you little beast." Stoick said to Midnight.

Please be okay Midnight please.

Hiccup's POV

I stood next to the girl who practically saved my life and now I want to pay them back but I don't know how. I mean don't get me wrong Thyra's cute but I am in love with (Y/N) she/he/they are adorable, kind, beautiful and helpful. (Y/N) will always be the girl for me. Always....


Hey Loves,

Another chapter done, hope you enjoyed and are having the best day/night where ever you are. Also I love you all so much and I really appreciate your support. Thank you 

Bye for now,

Phoenix out

(748 words)

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