Break Out

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The only words that left the Spartan's mouth were the only ones that Agent Connecticut needed to hear. Confirmation that her deal had been accepted. A deep breath and exhale with relief before dropping her shoulders slightly. To her, this was a way out. This was an escape from the hell that was Project Freelancer.

When she first joined the Project she was excited, and happy, that she could be a part of something different. Something that could lead to thousands of lives being saved. A mission that could give the human race an upper hand against the Covenant. She truly believed in that goal. To get away from her family, to make a name for herself. She did not think she would be great like Carolina, or as skilled as North. But she did not want to be the worst either. Yet as time went on and she was bashed for raising her head instead of lowering it, for asking questions, she got suspicious.

Now that she knows what the Project has done. What she helped it do. She knew that there was little chance for her to escape. But this Spartan could be her chance. He was a hero, a legend within itself. He could save her.

She wanted to tell the others but they wouldn't listen. Like her whole life, she needed to look out for herself first. She would look out for herself first. But at the same time, she would do her best to do the right thing.

C.T reached up and unlocked the restraints that held the super soldier to the wall. The many cuts and bruises that littered his face stopped bleeding, not that he seemed to mind many of them anyway.

He dropped to the floor with a thud. Catching himself on his hands and knees. Six looked at the ground for a moment. His body aching with slight pain. Thankfully they didn't press too much on his midsection. An area that has had barely any time to heal. But slowly it was recovering. The lack of sleep, eating, and rest did not really help but his modified body was still capable of repairing itself. Even in those extreme conditions.

With the black undersuit still clinging to his body, Noble Six slowly got to his feet. C.T backed away slightly, worried about his condition and whether or not she had arrived a little late. But to her surprise, he stood tall. Rolling his shoulders and shaking some of the stiffness out. This was the first time she was truly able to look at his features. Spartans were described as the perfect weapons and soldiers. The stories and tales are told throughout all corners of space.

This was the first time she had seen one up close, or in person at all. She also thought that most of those superhuman descriptions were from the veil that was cast from the armor. Yet even within the Project, she could somewhat tell the emotions someone was giving off, even hiding behind a visor. Yet looking at Noble Six, she could not help but feel that he was more than human. Or maybe no longer human.

His eyes were a shade of unnatural blue. Maybe with hints of dark brown, remnants of his previous natural color. His hair was still cut short within military standards. His skin is pale due to the fact of constantly being underneath his power armor. But it was his face. Perfectly still and composed. Even in his condition, covered in wounds, he maintained baring.

It wasn't until he had looked at her that she was dragged back to reality.

"Come," She said walking to the door. "Now we don't have much time before they figure out that you've escaped. We need to move quickly." She finished walking to the door to his cell.

Six walked behind her, stacking up on the door. If he remembered right there were two guards outside. From what he remembered about the Mother of Inventions file it was outlined with the same UNSC defenses that any other vessel of the Navy had. Of course, such information could be long out of date. The hallways could be filled with all sorts of automatic defenses that went unreported in the schematics.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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