The First Move

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Hello everyone, sorry for the late update. My classes are coming to an end and they are starting to pick up on the work right before they end. However, I am still here to write you guys a great story and from the looks of the stats you all are loving what has happened thus far. Already 1.2k reads, that is insane! I want to thank all of you so much for everything and I am happy to see you are all enjoying it. Hopefully if I get to where I want in the story by Christmas I can do another Christmas chapter like I did with my last book. Maybe make this one a little more whole some. Only a couple weeks left, three if I remember correctly. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and thank you all once more.


Snow, so gentle and beautiful. Falling freely from the sky with no pattern or plan. Just falling wherever the wind would take it and landing gently on the ground. A miracle if one were to make it safely without breaking. The pine forest, once green now white and tinted. Small patches of green pines showing their face underneath the inches of snow that fell steadily.

The ground had been already covered in white powder, the air cold enough to stiffen the snow but not wet enough to freeze it. One could say it was perfect for packing snowballs, with the six or so inches already covering the forest floor it would be a prime war zone for such a kids activity. 

Unfortunately there was no such chaos here. The forest held a certain quiet and stillness that was both peaceful and settling. Every once in a while a gust of wind would running through the breaks and spaces between the tree trunks. Causing the branches to shift and fight amongst each other. Throwing the snow that had been peacefully sitting atop them. 

Other than the occasional gust of wind that would disturb the tranquility of the forest, there was no other disturbances. No animals running along the floor, no birds flying through the air. Given the temperature and the season of the year, they were all gone to some place warmer or sleeping till the snow melted and sun heated up the planet. 

The planet itself right now was mostly a winter tundra. Other than forests there were large rocky mountains that housed frosted tips of snow. One might see a plains placed between the biomes of forests and mountain ranges, covered in snow and flat in nature. Probably the ground for large flower fields or other flora. The sky white and cold reflecting perfectly what type of condition the planet was in. 

The planet itself was far from what one would call a winter wasteland. The shades of green that forced their way through the waves of white was enough to prove that life was merely sleeping underneath all the ice and snow. 

Truly just a peaceful planet. 

The sounds of crunching snow was the only noise that echoed through out the forest ground. The gusts of wind and shifting of branches most of the time drowned out the sounds of snow. A figure walking on the forest floor, wearing black armor that was almost the very opposite of the environment that they were in. 

Within in their hands a rifle, a DMR to be exact, placed firmly in their shoulder yet held low. Ready to be raised and fired if the situation called for it. A Spartan, a hunter, an assassin, Noble Six. A soldier traveling alone through the winter forest as the flakes of snow fell upon him. His black armor having shades of white as snow stuck to him, the air being too cold for the flakes to melt upon contact. 

His orange visor reflected the white environment around him clearly. Mirroring the snow flakes that fell in front of him or sometimes on the visor. The orange see through mixture of rare materials sometimes housed the thin snowflakes, only for them this time to melt due to the slight amount of electricity that ran through it in order to run the Head Up Display. 

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