First Encounter

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Welcome back everyone to a new chapter! I want to thank everyone on the support! Now that we have gotten all the beginning stuff out of the way we finally get our first encounter with the Freelancers and I promise you it's a big one! So I will be sure not to disappoint. Further, I want to say thank you all for the reads on the book. Almost at 2k already and that is amazing! With Christmas coming up I hope that I can get to a point I can do a little Christmas chapter but if not I'll see what else I can do! Anyway! Without any more talking from me! The first chapter with our freelancer friends!


"Are they ready?" The voice of an older man, his tone matured and laced with a southern accent. Yet despite the simple question, his tone also held a certain authority and impatience. Also as if the question he had asked was more of a demand, a demand of a man tired of waiting.

The surrounding environment was that of a control room, to be more specific the control room of an UNSC frigate currently flying through the blackness of space. But this was no UNSC affiliated ship, this was something else. A military organization just with the label, an eagle to symbol unity and strength, the emblem of the UNSC. However, it was just that, a label.

This was Project Freelancer. Claimed to be independent of UNSC control and order. Freelancer had it's own mission, one that was said to save humanity. Much like how many of the UNSC projects that were funded secretly and hidden away from public eye carried the same motto. To aid in the fight of the Great War, no matter the cost.

And at any cost it would be. For Freelancer has already suffered many injuries and personnel death for the sake of the Project. Equipment failures, high risk missions, all resulting in either personnel injury or death. But it was all in the name of the greater good, at least, the greater good for the Project. Or so that was how it was seen in the eyes of the Director.

He stood, his stance straight and stiff with his hands behind his back as he spoke to the armored soldier that stood at attention behind him. His eyes forward, hidden behind his tinted eye glasses that only added to the effect of being unable to read any emotion. He was the head of the Project and the genius behind the creation of the Alpha Artificial Intelligence.

He was, Director Leonard Church.

Standing next to him the Counselor. A reliable and valuable asset to the Project and it's Agents mental health. His name, Aiden Price. Tasked with making sure the compatibility of the Agents stayed at maximum efficiency while also analyzing their personalities for possible A.I pairings. Of course that last part that was a hidden add on to his job title.

"Yes Sir! All available Agents are present and prepared for the briefing." This time the voice of a female. Her voice held a certain youth to it, proving that she was perhaps in her twenties. Yet the way she held herself was all business, any ideas of being a young adult pushed out and replaced with one idea and one idea only. Being the best.

Her name, was Agent Carolina. The current number one Agent of Project Freelancer. Shown by her name displayed proudly at the top of the leaderboard, found in every room that was on the ship known as the Mother of Invention.

Even though it was her name that was on top, there was much more that laid underneath. A new Agent had made her way into the Project. Quickly proving her skills by not only taking down three Agents at once, one of them being the current number two, but also completing missions more effectively than Agent Carolina. That Agent was currently not on the leaderboard, but it was well known around the ship at this point.

Agent Texas, soon to be number one. Or so the rumors that had made their way around the ship were saying. Rumors that Agent Carolina tried to ignore by spending most of her nights without sleep, training and pushing herself to beat Agent Texas should the next opportunity arise. And arise it would.

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