Charon Industries

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Welcome back everyone to the third chapter of this new story! I want to thank all of you again on the amazing responses I have gotten when it comes to this new story. Already 600+ reads and many many comments. I love the interact and support. I cannot thank you all enough. I am currently rewatching some of the seasons of Red vs Blue that did not make it into the last book, just finished season 6. I have to say I have some great stuff planned. I also reread some of my old story as well, I just could not help but smile at the memories of me making that. I think what was great about it was the character interaction that it had. Mostly with the Freelancers. I'm exciting to get to that point, but for now we have some lone wolfing to do. Finally before we get into the next chapter I want to wish everyone a happy holidays. Hopefully you are all enjoying time with family and friends! Both from Noble Six and myself, enjoy yourself and have a great time! Now without further wait, the next chapter. 


It was not long after he had visited his former teammate Emile that Noble Six had left the ONI frigate. After he had given his speech he had allowed the morgue personnel that his friend was prepared for burial. And with that command the Spartan super soldier known as Emile and Noble Four was set into a casket. An UNSC flag placed gently on his final resting place and sent into space. Floating aimlessly and peacefully. Finally allowing the hardheaded Spartan to rest. 

Noble Six had made sure to stick around along enough to see his friend off. But as soon as Emile had made his way out, Six was fast to follow his lead. The Spartan had already been given enough information to start and he already had his first target in mind. 

A rather urbanized planet outside of UNSC control. There was no planet name on file but there were coordinates that could be followed. The Freelancers the previous week had planned and executed a heist for equipment. The equipment that was stolen was unknown and there were no known tracks left behind recorded on file. 

Of course that was on file. 

Six had decided that if there was any place to start looking he would have to start there. But there was just one problem. That problem happened to be the fact that a certain one hundred and ten story building that had been robbed the week before was destroyed by Project Freelancer. Six was rather certain this was done to cover their tracks. An effective but rather overkill way to do so.

But it was all the Spartan had to work with, so he would have to handle and deal with the hand he had been dealt. Yet, he was never good at gambling nor poker. Kat and Emile had taken that title long ago. 

The city itself was a nice city. It was not much different from those that Six had seen or visited before. But it was nice to see that normal activity continued, heavy traffic, the sounds of car horns honking and the occasional sounds of civilians walking along the side walk screaming at each other. 

It was normal. It was civilized. Something that Six had not witnessed since long before the fall of Reach. It was. . .relaxing in a sense. To see that humanity had continued to move on act as it always did. Ignorant to the sins and loses of war. If only everyone was so lucky. 

Said Spartan however, was standing on top of a roof top. Nearby to the closed off site that was the remains of the destroyed building. It was currently around midnight, the moon high above him and the stars lining the black void that was the night sky. 

The blackness of night gave him good cover to stand and scout his mission objective. The black paint of his Spartan armor adding to the effect of stealth and cover. Holding his DMR tight into his shoulder, Six tapped the side of his helmet activating his night vision. 

Covered In Black Ink: A Red vs Blue CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now