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"Who the fuck do you think you are!"

A loud female voice roared inside an office behind a metal door followed by a loud crash and boom. One would think that said metal door would be thick enough to hide any voices and or noises, but you would be wrong. The two guards standing outside next to the door both looked at each other. Despite wearing helmets it was clear what look they were giving. They were scared shitless. Almost like the zookeeper standing in front of a caged lion that could be released at any moment.

The space on the other side of that door was much more hostile. Within the four walls of that office were only three people. One was the Director of Project Freelancer, standing next to him was The Counselor, and in front of both of them standing in front of the desk that had been hurled at the wall behind them was an Agent clad in black armor.

She was simply known as Agent Texas.

"Are you both out of your fucking minds! Why would you keep me here! You needed me there! I'm not some pet you can keep locked up!" She roared, stomping her feet in anger and throwing her fist against the metal walls.

To the credit of both men in the room, they remained calm, as calm as they could be in the face of a lion that is. The Director with his hands placed professionally behind his back and his eyes hidden behind his glasses while the Counselor stood and jotted notes in the electronic notepad he clutched in his hands. They did not move or flinch at her outbursts, it would seem that these were rather normal occurrences among the females around the Mother of Invention.

"Agent Texas, please remain calm. Both the Director and I have our-" The Counselor's strangely soothing voice tried to be the voice of reason in the situation but was quickly cut off by another roaring outburst from Agent Texas.

"You shut the fuck up! I'm not talking to you!" She screamed as her helmet's focus was then turned back to the man standing silently with his hands behind his back. "Are you going to say anything?!"

"Agent Texas, it was within our best interests to keep you here." The Director stated firmly. "Agent Carolina and the rest of the Agents had the situation completely under control. I would advise that you have more faith in your fellow Agents." He continued his voice remaining firm, his tone unwavering in his decision.

However, the Agent in black continued to glare daggers at him underneath her helmet. She did not instantly explode into another outburst of rage again, which was an improvement, but this time resorted to a calm and cold response. "Bullshit. Carolina came back with a hole in her leg and was probably seconds from getting her head blown off. I could have done that without anyone getting hurt!"

The Director did not respond. He stared aimlessly forward as Texas walked forward and glared through his shaded glasses. Her voice continued to remain quiet though her words dripped with venom and edge.

"You think I'm some sort of idiot?" She asked turning her head to the side. "I know what this is about. You're scared." She spits jamming a finger into the Director's chest. "Ever since that mission at that outpost you've had me on house arrest. Unable to leave this fucking ship. This Spartan shows up gunning for your head and you lose your damn balls. Well, get over it!" She proclaimed removing the finger from his chest and turning around. "If you're too damn scared that you have to hide away on this ship so be it, asshole. But not me! I'm not your damn pet! Next time, I'm going whether you want me to or not!" She stated, walking towards the door and all but ripping it open and walking furiously down the hallway.

The Counselor slowly turned and looked at the Director. "Would you like me to document the increase in Texas' aggression levels Director?"

"No, Counselor I would not. We will deal with her later. Right now, I would like to go pay our prisoner a visit."

Covered In Black Ink: A Red vs Blue CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now