Hangovers And Banter

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Im awaked from my very uncomfortable sleep (on the couch) by a loud thud. I immediately sit up and see James spread out on the floor.

He starts to move and then finally opens his eyes, rubbing them.

"What the fuck is going on?" - he asks, rubbing his head now.

"Good morning to you too" - i roll my eyes at him.

"Why am i here?"
"Oh god why is Av and Xander laying on your bed?" - he panics.

"Relax" - i get up from the couch and push the blanket i put over all of them last night higher Av's and Xander's  bodies.

"You guys were at a party last night and apparently got super drunk and one of you had an amazing idea to come over to my house"

"Oh that was me" - he scratches his head anxiously.



"Because" - he walks over to where im standing and helps me pull the blanket that Xander has wrapped himself very tightly in.

"I didn't like the idea of us having fun and you sitting here watching cheesy movies alone" - he gives me a sincere look that tells me he means it.

"Okay first of all" - i put a finger up his face, which just makes him grin.

"It's not a cheesy movie"

"And second"
Im about to start lecturing him that i wasn't alone but then realise that i was actually completely alone and bored.

"And what?" - he smiles and puts my finger down with his hand.

"You don't want to admit you were all alone curled up in your bed, watching your cheesy rom-coms?" - his smile grows wider. God i hate him.

"It's not cheesy!" - i exlaim, angry.

"Oh but it is"
"Very cheesy" - he wiggles his eyebrows while saying the last sentence for more dramatic effect i guess.

"How would you know, Mr. Suicide?" - i cross my armr over my chest, surprising myself with my sudden confidence. Normally, if it was anyone else i would just end the conversation with the 'it's not cheesy!' comment and walk away. But not with him. You see, James has this" gift" of pushing my buttons to the moon. I feel comfortable with showing this other side of me with him. Or maybe it's just that he gets on my nerves so much that i forget about my  fear of talking to people. Yeah it's probably the second one.

"Mr. Suicide?" - he arches an eyebrow, his stupid grin, still on his face.

"Can you guys stop bickering for at least one minute, please?" - Xander inturrupts our "bickering" as he likes to say, while rubbing his forehead with his hands too. Damn. Even with an headache James managed to get on my nerves. Again. Like always.

"Sorry!" - me and James say at the same time, which earns a small smile in Xander's face.

"It's fine i was already up, i was just worried you guys would wake Av up"

"Of course you were Loverboy" - i wink at him.

"Stop that" - he rolls his eyes.

"Hate to say it but she's right, Loverboy " - James wiggles his eyebrows and sits next to Xander.

"You too?" - Xander sighs dramatically.

"Oh please i was the first one to notice you've got a little crush on our little Av" - James responds proudly.

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