New Deal?

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"That's the worst idea i have ever heard in my entire life" - i tell James, who sits in front of me, a coffe in his hand.

We're at the local coffe shop that's in our street.

Also known as the coffe our parents used to force us to come with them at when we were little.

Also the place where Emma used to work.
The owners of the shop hired her when she needed a summer job, since they knew her family well.

And also the reason why James is shifting uncomfortable in his seat all the time. I don't know why he said we should meet up here.

He's looking around the place for a few minutes and then answers me.

"Okay, so it's not the best, but the worst?" - he acts offended.

"That hurts, Springs"

"Let me recall your plan" - i say, taking a sip of my latte.

"You plan on telling Av and Xander we're meeting up at school later and then lock them together in the locker rooms?"

"Okay now that you put it like that..." - he scratches his head.

"It doesn't sound good"

"Yeah cause it's not" - i reach over to slap his head but he dips away.

"Years of playing  hockey paid off" - he smirks his usual  confident smirk at me, that makes basically half of the girls at our school swoon.
But not me. I've seen that smirk so many times it doesn't work on me anymore.

"Alright, i bet you 20 bucks you can't come up with anything better" - he leans closer to the table and drops 10 bucks on the table, before getting up from his seat.

"My treat, cherry!" - he yells before walking out the shop.


Now i have to come up with the best plan ever and succeed without his help.

I grab my bag and slip it over my shoulder and walk out too.

It doesn't help that we live in the same street because now that im getting closer to my house i spot James a few steps away.

"I knew you were obsessed with me, Springs but stalking me is taking it to far" - i hear him laugh to himself.

"Oh you can only wish!" - i yell, not satisfied with my response.

"Uuuh seems like you've lost your touch, Springs" - he taunts.

"That was the most plain comeback i have ever heard"

"How bout you do all of us a favour and jump off that little tower over there?" - i point at the edge of a small tower a few feet away from us.

"You always had a way with words" - he turns to me with full attention.

"And with plans" - i smile up at him.

"Oh and what is the plan?" - he asks, amused.

"Oh but we wouldn't wanna ruin the surprise wouldn't we?" - i say, my smile growing wider.
The comebacks are back baby!

He stares at me for a few minutes and then his face breaks into a grin.

"Okay, how about this?" - he suggests, closing the space between us.

"We don't tell our plans to each other we just both strike"

"And whoever can make Av and Xander realise they like each other first, wins"

"Wins what?" - i ask, annoyed.

"I don't know, maybe I'll stop annoying you for a while"

"That sounds like heaven" - i respond.

"Yeah it does, doesn't it?" - James says, that stupid smile still on his face.

"But you know what sounds better?" - lean closer to his face, but he doesn't flinch. He doesn't even move a muscle.

"I get to come over at your restaurant anytime i want and buy whatever i want without having to pay anything"


"Okay how bout this?" - he asks, stopping whatever that was.

"You can help me with the restaurant and maybe I'll let you show me all of those little books you used to beg for me to listen to while you explained every single line of them" - he suggests.

Although this suggestion is very tempting because he is right. I have always wanted to talk to someone about my books. Av was always to busy or could never focus on what i was saying and Xander always tried to listen but got bored halfway. And jf my parents knew what i was reading they would probably kick me out of the house.

"That's the stupidest thing i have ever heard" - i scoff, trying to act like my heart didn't flutter at the fact of having someone to talk to about my books which are practically my kids.

"Wasn't my plan the stupidest thing you've ever heard?" - he archs an brow.

"No"-i roll my eyes.
"The plan was the worst idea i have ever heard in my life"
"Pay attention"

"Right. My bad" - he says sarcastically, making me roll my eyes again in annoyance.

"But what if i let you build a little library at the shop?" - now that is intriguing.

"And then you wouldn't even feel like you're working cause you can have all the books you want, plus you'll get paid"

"And if you win?" - i ask, feeling a bit embarrassed for accepting so quickly but i can't say no to books now can i?

"Well you seem so sure that you'll win so I'll leave you be"

"Drop the act, Henderson" - i throw his own words at him.

"Im not" - he shakes his head.

"When I'll win, then you'll find out what i want"

"That can't be good" -  i whisper under my breath.

"It's not so you better get ur a-game on, cherry"

"Oh it's on" - i declare war.

"So you declare war?" - James ask, reading my mind.

"Yeah i do"

"Alright then, let the games begin"

"Good luck cheery!" - he yells, walking away.

Ugh. He knows i hate the nickname that guy gave me. He's doing it on purpose. Oh well guess he won't mind when I'll call him his beautiful nickname.

"I don't need it!" - yell back and begging walking, well on the same road as him.

"Well, this is awkward" - James says after i catch up to him but keep my distance.

Yup. Very.

I swear i change this dudes personality everytime i write a new chapter and im so sorry about that!
I just idk maybe hes just a little bipolar. Yeah let's go with that! 😁

Anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Remember to comment or leave ur opinions or suggestions in the comments below!
I wanna know what you guys think!
Plus it motivates me to write more <3

Remember, i love yall sm!

All the love, M <33 📖

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