"I Was Only Joking!"

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As im walking upstairs i can't stop thinking about the deal that James suggested. I mean if i succeed to get Av and Xander together before summer i get to have  my own little library at his cafe-restaurant all summer while i work, plus I'll be getting paid to just sit and read and drink coffe, i mean yeah I'll work but hello! Books and coffe! But i still don't know what James will ask if he wins, im sure it's probably gonna be the worst thing i can possibly imagine.
I pull myself out of my thoughts and walk to room where i spot Av up and completely sobered up apparently, meanwhile Xander still looks a bit tired.

"Up you go!" - i walk over to my bed and pull Xander by his hands.

"Jade, STOP!" - he tries to kick my hands off with his feet, which makes both me and Av laugh.

"Don't be such a fucking baby!" - i say in between laughter.

"Okay fine I'll get up just stop" - i let go off his hands, and then he just plops back to bed.

"Av please get this idiot up, i already have to deal with our other idiot" - i look at her helplessly and she nods at me.

"Thanks, your the absolute best!" - i kiss her check.

"Also are you sure you're absolutely okay?" - i ask her.

"Yup im as sober as a judge!" - she puts a hand on her forehead, like a soldier.

Yup, that's my Av.

"Alright, well im leaving now" - i walk to the door.
Before i leave i call out
"Don't do anything i wouldn't do!"
"I mean we don't wanna be late for school!"

"Jade!" - Av throws a pillow at me but im already out and duck it.

As i walk downstairs i see that James has gotten comfortable since I've been gone. He's literally having a full on breakfast and juice at my house. And the worst thing is that im sure that my  mom made it for him. Isn't she tired from her trip?

I hear James and my dad laughing about something stupid so i sit next to my mom, while giving James a death glare.

"Oh right, how rude of me!" - James finally notices my glare and throws a peace of bread at me.

"Care to join us for breakfast Jade dear?" - im gonna kill him.

"You do realise we're already late right?" - i say, the anger in me never leaving.

He looks at his watch.
"Oh yeah, shit" - he gets up and walks over to me.

"Um, why are you just standing in front of me?" - i look up at him.

"Im thinking if i should do this or not"

"Do what?" - i roll my eyes.

"This" - before i could respond, i feel his hands wrap up at my feet and then pull me over his shoulder.

"James, what the hell!" - i scream, trying to get the attention of my mom to stop him, but she just laughs.

" Do something! "-i yell

" Hell no i gotta take a picture of this!"-she slaps my butt, still grinning like an idiot.

" Ms. Springs please have some respect! "-James leans down to look at my mom and i think im gonna fall, but then James grips more tightly at my waist.

"You don't slap a young women's ass" - now im actually gonna kill him.

"Im adding this to my" James & Jade " album"! - my mom squeals happily.

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