Fourteenth Entry

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Dear diary,                                                                                                             November 18,2017

Well today I am headed home. And I got a huge surprise my parents are taking me to Paris,France . I helped an old man that was about to be hit by a car since he dropped his cane . I asked in perfect french thank you hyperfocus and language skills well I asked if he was alright he said he was fine . I took him to his destination since I let my parents know they saw what happend and insisted we took him back to were he was. 

My magic told me that something big was gonna happen when we returned to the Hotel rooms. Mom and dad got me a seperate room next to their since they know I am still mad at them. Their was a box. My magic said that it was safe to open so I did; but I freaked the fuck out when a kwami came out since I read about them at hogwarts. Because curiosity and ADHD which i think I have but I am undiagnosed wait I should go ask my parents I if I am diagnosed . 

Mom said yes Hannah you do have ADHD  remember the meds you were on before you got your  you know. Yes I said well we saw how they were effecting you and took you off them since with your magic it  made you almost lifeless if it wasn't for the girls and keith you would probably sat and done nothing but sleep.

Well anyway I am now a superhero named ladybug I feel like an idiot for not waiting for tikki to explain how to cleanse the akuma the first time but I learnt on the job thank the fates that I already had training. Tikki said that I would need to stay in paris but I told I can't so she went and took me to the old man who I learnt was Master Fu the guardian of the miraculous. Tikki and I explained the situation. 

I decided to tell him about me being a merfolk and  the fact I can Mist travel thankfully I have gotten so much better at it. Since he was iffy on giving me a second miraculous so soon. He said that it was fine but what do we tell your partner I said easy we don't I just lie and say I had problems getting away as a civilian and this way I can better work and learn.

I have a feeling that  the akuma attacks will happen in bins class or at night which I can easily slip from since he doesn't do roll and just marks us all as present and all he says is the same thing. And I normally skip his class anyway to self-study. When it's night time I can just wake up and slip away to the attack. Since  Dray already called me and told me that He knew I was ladybug since he knows my fighting style and unknowingly to him the magic doesn't affect my soulmates. 

Tikki barreted me on not trying to lie and get him to  not know. I told her bluntly I dont give a fuck what she thinks about who can know since I have survived being an experiment for two fucking years from 7-9 years old. So she can shove it up her ass or whatever is the kwami equivalent is.  I told her firmly that I will not tell anyone that is in paris full time since they can be akumatized at the drop of a  hat. No matter who it is. 

I think honestly that chat may be a good fit now but not in the long run since I read that it can harm the user that is not a  true soul parried with a true soul holder. I hope  I am wrong but I doubt it I think the other true soul is my twin my  yin while I am the yang.Since Triton told me that  it's been a long time since he worked with a true soul of creation that was a mer. He also told me to trust my gut when it came to holders. 

I think he knew somehow but oh well I don't really care right now I am about to pass out since mom gave me a dreamless sleep potion for tonight since were only here to Wednesday. Then we will go home and have thanksgiving and set up the christmas decor. I already talked to them asking if I could stay at hogwarts for winter break since I have not forgiven them fully yet and I want some time to myself and to learn more about our family at hogwarts and unknown to them to have an easier time to slip away for akuma's battles now. I talked to them about this once we landed and got Master Fu to his home and had lunch. Well good night.


Hannah Kent-Hufflepuff

p.s. its weird to add Hufflepuff now but I need to get used to it so I may sign off with it once in a while.

[ A/n Miraculous ladybug will be mentioned here and their I have adhd so that's why its such a scatter of time since I want it to be as realistic for me to do it. Chat noir/Adrien is just mislead and will be a slight douchebag but its all from him not knowing everything and the trauma]

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