Third entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                August 25 ,2017

Well today we went to Diagon alley in London today and it was really fun and exciting. We'll except the portkey. I felt really sick and nauseous and dizzy. I REALLY FUCKING HATE THEM I NEVER WANT TO USE IT AGAIN. Besides that it was so magical in diagon alley.

But they were wearing really weird clothes and my parents were wearing them too.Mom most of saw the confused expression I was wearing so she explained that this is what wizards and witches wear. Right I forgot that since dray's parents sometimes wearied them. When I saw the brooms I asked if I could have one but she said no not until my second year. I really wanted a broom to fly on because I love speed. And I also saw the quidditch stuff I really want to try out for my house team in my second year since that is when we are old enough to try out for the team I want to try out for either seeker or a beater. Well lets hope its going to be fun and a new adventure.

But I am still taking some muggle things like pens, notebooks. Well lets hope I don't look like a fool with them if I do oh well. Well, let's hope I can make new friends there. Well I should head to bed then.


Hannah Kent

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