Thirty Second Entry

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Dear Diary                                                                                                                            January 2, 2018

Heather talked to me while we were getting ready. She said nervously Hannah I have a question it's about what Cassidy asked you last night. I said soothingly what is it? She gains the confident to ask Why have you been sneaking out of our dorms at night to bunk with your mate?

I started to shut down but shook myself out of it and said remember how you had to get Holly to wake me from a nightmare at the beginning of the school year? Yeah what does it have to do with this? she said I then carried on shifting my feet saying I um well how do I put this fuck it I will just blurt it out. I was kidnaped with my pod when we were 7-9. We were there for 2 years until me, Mariah, Keith were nine and Cindy was seven. I am not gonna go into details but to put it simply we were kidnaped by scientists.

Heather stopped me with a gasp. I chuckled nervously and continued on saying I still have nightmares of that time in my life. They're so bad that I can't sleep by myself anymore for more than an hour tops. Normally it's ten 20 minutes. That's why I bunk with him. I asked him if I could bunk with him since I hadn't slept much and had been running up until I told him that I was running on caffeine and spite.

Oh Hannah heather said. I am sorry you had to go through that and is it alright if I tell the rest or no? I said yes go ahead I am going to breakfast. They all kinda during our free period put me in their nest to settle their instincts.

I need to head to dray's early tonight. It's gotten colder tonight so I am gonna head there now. Night.


Hannah Kent-Hufflepuff. 

{A/n Sorry for not uploading shit happend and I may of forgotten that I have a story that I need to right again thank you ADHD sarcastically. Thanks for staying.}

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