Seventeenth Entry

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Dear Diary                                                                                                                 November 9,2017

I finally got a good nights sleep. Its getting harder to keep my mer secret and now I have started drying out more but I am scared to go swim in the lake wait holly said that if  I start drying out more that I could use her bath and that she would put sea salt into the bath for me.

I really need to talk to her but how am I going to do that she has been very busy taking care of the girl that have their periods wait I can just mind link her but what if she is with someone well I will just have to send out my magic to see I will do that tomorrow or I could talk to her in her room I will try that and if that doesn't work I will mind link her ok.

My roommates are getting suspicious even more now since they have seen how I react to water when it is the full moon that  night and its getting closer I am so thankful that the slytherins consider me any honorary member I might tell the old years well the prefects since they check on the years and they might tell me to go to my dorm wait the whole house has to share a secret to the others they might have me do it I'll talk to dray about that. Well I should head to drays room and go to bed now. so good night.


Hannah Kent

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