Fifth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                           September 10,2017

Well today was the first day of school and I am so glad that we had the weekend to explore and so I could heal Harry and it was worse than I thought. So it took longer than usual to heal him.

Well today I had potions then defense against the dark arts then transfiguration and charms and history. In Defense against the dark arts the teacher kept stuttering it was SO FUCKING annoying, in potions the teacher asked us questions that only the hermione got the answers right since even though I am a hufflepuff the headmaster knows that I am an empath so he put me with harry since harry is the only person that I trust and knows how to help me when I start to get overwhelmed with all the emotions from other people so I am with him in all of our classes.

And in transfiguration our teacher, well professor, was a cat which she explained was her animagus which I thought was really cool so I will probably go to the library to look to see if I can find anything on animagus so that way I can learn. But it might be in a restricted area.

If it is, I can easily get in with my invisibility. Sometimes I am so glad that I am a mermaid sometimes.I have had a couple close calls but nobody found out my secret yet. Anyway, let's hope that it stays that way for a long time and hopefully they never find out my secret. Well it's late so I am going to head to bed now.


Hannah Kent.

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