Eleventh Entry

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Dear diary,                                                                                                                      November 4, 2017            

   I just realize that I can just mind link him I will do that in the morning and ask him to met me in  holly's room. So well how am going to explain it to him with out him losing his temper and me losing mine. Wait I am an empath  so I might have to use it to past my limits. Whelp at least its the weekend  so I will be able to recharge the powers and release my negative energy into the earth like he taught me . 

And my nightmares are getting worse with out the girls and Keith. I will probably get him to come tomorrow  since that way I can get  what I want to say prepared and so that way I don't get off track of  why I called him  and so that way  we can figure out how to help save the merfolks  and to get ride of all the magladons anyway holly has been very helpful with my mer secret  

And I think ron,mione, harry are being given potion because dub as a door has been putting potions in my food and drinks but they don't have the right ingredients since I know that snape/sev are making them for him  since he knows my secret about my tail . 

And my dorm mates are getting suspicious of me because of how I react when I get wet I hope they don't find out about me being a mer. Its late  am I am going to head of to bed. So goodnight.

Hannah Kent

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