Eightteenth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                                    November 9,2017

I asked dray and he said that  they where going to ask me to say a secret but I don't have to if I don't want to but I told him I want to and that I sent out my magic to see if I could trust all  of the slytherins and I have already asked the girls they said as long as I trust them I can tell them.

 I also talked to holly she let me use her bathroom to help with me drying out tonight I think I will wait until they ask me I have a feeling it will be soon.

And I will hope they won't tell anyone about my tail they probably won't so I feel safe to tell them I will just show my tail if they don't believe me that's fine with me and  I might also tell them about the scientist and the experiments since they might ask why I have scars since I can't really hide them when I have my tail so this way I have alot more help with my tail so that way I don't pop my tail accidentally and to save me alot of stress of my tail being a secret. It's late I am going to head to drays dorm now so good night .


Hannah Kent

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