Second Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                             August 2, 2017

Well today I told the girls and Keith or well my pod about the school they said how are we going to have our monthly meet up at mako to reassure us that none of us got captured by the scientist like we did when we were six? well I could always swim to mako if need to or I can ask/tell the headmaster about it so that way he can get me there or excuse me from classes.

And I could always send letters to y'all and the same for y'all is what I said and we agreed on that so that means I need to get an owl that can send letters from far distances or make a muggle born friend that will ask there parents if my friends can send letters to them for me. I hope that works.

And I really hope that I can do that and to keep my tail a secret from everybody else. I wonder if I should keep hiding my scars in the wizarding world or not. If I do show my scars I might be seen as a monster or a freak like I did at my old school. I will probably keep them hidden unless I make some friends that I know I can trust with my scars, tail and that they won't leave me because of the scars. But how will I explain how I keep them hidden? Well I could just show them that I can make myself invisible. Well that's the plan then. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Well I should go to bed it's late.

Sincerely ,

Hannah Kent

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