Sixteenth Entry

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Dear diary,                                                                                                                           December 8, 2017

I finally got up the courage to ask dray if I can sleep with him like we do at his manor when it got to cold for me to sleep by myself in my room or when my nightmare where to much for me.

And if I haven't sleept in days or sometimes weeks or worse case month like right now he flipped out when I told him today that I haven't been sleeping and just runing  on pure caffeine and he practically forced me to bunk with him for the rest of our time in school but we have a deal I can wright in my diary. But after that I have to go to his room 

Its a good thing that my roommates go to bed early if they didn't I would be in alot of trouble then and its also a good thing that I got my work down in study hall. Its has been getting harder to fight my instincts.

I talked to Triton about it he was mad that I have been fighting my instincts but once I explained why he understood but he was still unhappy and he told me I should stop but he new I won't because I am scared of rejection from my mate and I am very stubborn. 

Well it's getting late I should head to dray's dorm so that way I can finally get a full nights rest for once so far in this school year so goodnight.


Hannah Kent

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