Simon "Ghost" Riley | Wasted Birthday

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Eveyone in the team forgot Ghost's birthday.

Well, everyone, except for his dearest enemy.



Nobody even remembered how important this day was. The day went on like any other day without duty, they laughed, talked about war strategies, did some stuff with the team, but... No one even bothered to tell him what he wanted to hear.

Happy birthday, Ghost.

No, it was too much to ask. He was wondering how they could forget such a thing, even Soap forgot it, even his dearest friend. Yes, maybe he wasn't talking a lot about his birthday, maybe he hated the feeling to be the center of attention, but he just wanted that. He was feeling full of shame, the shame of not being good enough to get a little "happy birthday" from his teammates. Now, he was just in his room, sitting on his bed, his balaclava still on as he thought about what he did to (not) deserve such a thing. It felt hard, especially when there was absolutely nobody out there to wish him happy birthday from another place than the base or to send him a cute handmade card. He was alone, and he had to face that awful truth alone.


Someone knocked on his door. Someone he knew well. Y/n. Since she joined the team, Ghost hated her with a burning passion, even tho it was for some stupid reasons. She fucked up her first mission by missing her target because of how nervous she was, and since, he liked to be mean to her for no reason at all. He found her "annoying", just like a child, still for absolutely no reason. He was the only one to think that, the others liked her, and maybe she was enjoying the situation it a bit. With him, she was being an awful person, an absolute asshole, kinda like a mirror. It was funny, in a way. And since, they were fighting each other with words, a lot of words, and also dirty looks. Nothing concrete, but the tension between them was real and especially thick.

So, it was easy to understand that the last person he wanted to see was y/n. But maybe it was Soap finally coming to wish him an happy birthday?

It was a bit delusional.

Ghost stood up, cracking his back and knuckles, growling a bit. He was way too comfortable on his bed to leave it, he was feeling good being alone, without anybody to remind him that everyone forgotten. When he finally opened the door, after what felt like minutes for y/n, his eyes first widened, before he looked at her with so much hate... His look was absolutely terrifying.

"-What do you want?"

Ghost asked, in a tired and low voice. He immediately noticed her hands behind her back, he raised an eyebrow. The last thing he wanted was to be pissed off by some brat he absolutely hated, and he wanted her to know that.

"-Listen, just try to play a trick on-

-Happy birthday."

Y/n said, rolling her eyes, her tone filled with confidence. She wasn't fearing him. She didn't fear the fact that he could be mad because she cut him mid sentence. Her eyes still locked in his, she waited for his reaction. His reaction, that was absolutely nothing like she expected.

His eyebrows raised a bit, not in a curious way, but more in a surprised one. Did she really just came to his room to wish him an happy birthday? But he hated her! He treated her like shit! What was up with her? And why was she the only one remembering?

"-Stole that in the kitchen."

She showed him her hands, between them, there was a simple muffin with a birthday candle on it. Maybe she just wanted to be mean by reminding him that nobody wished him his birthday, but it was clear she didn't have a clue about it.

"-It's not fucking funny."

He simply said, almost in a whisper. He just wanted to smash this stupid muffin into a wall right now. But seeing her surprised expression made him think she wasn't joking around at all. Oh no, she was serious.


-'Cause it's your birthday!


Why? What kind of question was that?! The situation was awfully tensed, y/n was holding the muffin, before she reached for a lighter in her pocket. Ghost's reaction was absolutely unreadable. Was this surprise a good thing? She had absolutely no idea of it. She didn't even knew why she did such a thing. Well, maybe because she started to love him. All of this hate, all of their contacts, their mean dialogues, they started to be too much for her. Loving someone like him was a curious thing, loving her enemy was too, but well, that was just the way it was. Before she could light the candle, he gestured her to come into his room, what y/n did quickly.


It was a mess. Like, a real mess. Some empty bottles of alcohol and pills were on the nightstand or in random spots in the room, it looked like the room of someone who never cleaned or cared about himself. Seeing that was hard, it was hard whenever he was her enemy or not. Y/n sighed, before she felt two strong arms wrapping around her waist, and a bigger body than hers pressing against her back.

"-You're the only one. Nobody remembered."

How was she supposed to answer that? Was she even supposed to answer that? Not knowing what to do, she just grabbed the lighter, lighting up the candle, which immediately became the most important source of light in the room with the moonlight. It was miserable. A pity party, for a man that got y/n's pity. So much pity that she let him touch her waist like that, hold her close and put his head on her shoulder. But was it really a matter of pity? No, it was a matter of love.

"-I don't think I hate you anymore, Ghost. I think I never hated you at all."

Y/n finally spoke, looking at the candle consuming itself, as she watched it disappear slowy, burning itself down. She wanted to sigh, but it could've blown away the colourful candle, and it was his moment.

"-Hate is way more easy to admit than love, don't you think?"

He was watching the candle too, his body still against her, enjoying her warmth and the way he finally felt the tension in his body reducing as he held her close.

"Happy birthday. Make a wish."

Now, it was his moment. The moment for him to blow away his candle, he thought about y/n for several seconds, before finally making the light disappear. The silence after that was deadly. He was grabbing on her waist, pulling her back way closer to his body, and she was holding the muffin, looking at the wax slowy leaking into it, making it absolutely impossible to eat now.

"You could've been faster."

Y/n couldn't help but add some mean comments for him, maybe she admitted that she liked him a bit, (more than a bit) but she just felt more comfortable acting like an absolute asshole with him. Ghost let out a small chuckle, and he grabbed on her thighs, letting the tension becoming more and more thick between them.

"-Maybe... But at least, I had the time to think about my birthday wish."

He got a point. His birthday wish... Y/n wasn't dumb, she immediately knew what he meant, knowing what was going to happen between them. And as the seconds went on, she immediately got that, whatever was going to happen this night, their relationship won't ever be the same.

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