A Servant for a Year

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Healia tried to squirm from his grasp but his grip was like iron, tight like a clamp on her arm. She gave a gasp as his hands grabbed at her hair, tugging it crudely. "So, you tried to rob me? Judge Frollo? My, my gypsies are getting stupider and stupider by the day. But that makes it easier to catch them, like mice in a trap." He chuckled darkly, giving her hair a harsh tug. But to his surprise she didn't cry out, merely glanced at the fountain. His gaze flickered to the fountain but saw nothing so he turned back to her, "You little brat, what am I to do with you hm? Maybe drown you for theft? Toss you in the freezing river? Or whip you? Maybe just throw you in the dungeon and let you rot. Then again I am a man of Justice, and justice can come swiftly..." He growled softly, drawing a dagger from the bag. As bad as the situation was something made Healia proud, "I was right, it was a dagger. Clopin would be proud." But before the Judge could draw a drop of blood from the little gypsy they heard a voice. "Stop! Frollo, you will not kill this young girl." It ordered. Frollo turned his head to find the archdeacon there, staring at him. He was dressed in white and red robes with grey hair, around the same hue as his own. Frollo faced the man, keeping a firm grip on Healia's hair, "This doesn't concern you. She is a villain of theft and tried to rob me. And what is the penalty for such a thing? Death. Go back to your church old man, she is a gypsy as well and as such she is indeed only my business." He growled venomously, still fingering the dagger. The archdeacon looked at Healia, "Healia, what were you doing trying to rob this man?" Frollo raised an eyebrow, he didn't know this brat had a name, or better yet, that this old geezer knew her. She didn't speak but her eyes pleaded for him to try something to help her. He gave a nod and looked at Frollo who looked ready to murder the little thing. "You will not kill her Frollo, like I said." The man said and Frollo gave a fierce tug on her hair again, "Then what shall be her punishment exactly? Nobody, not even children will get away with theft attempts under my watch." He snapped. The archdeacon sighed, stroking his chin thoughtfully before replying, "She is to be your servant in your own house for a year. After that you can choose to free her or keep her. But she is a mere child, you cannot kill her or you will be sentenced with murder yourself Frollo." The Judge froze and then looked at the girl before giving a growl of anger, eyes blazing. "You cannot make me do this." He snarled. The archdeacon gave a small nod, "Yes that is true, I cannot make you do anything But then again staining your hands with the blood of an innocent, a child no less will certainly hurt your soul's purity. Don't you know that by now Frollo?" These words made Frollo pause, mind whirling. The Judge's eyes narrowed and a grimace of absolute fury flew to his face. "Stop playing that card old man, that woman's death was not my fault." Frollo said tone dangerously quiet. But he then examined Healia. She looked about seven, maybe eight, a skirt of blue that was slightly ragged at the corners and a green top with a red scarf around her waist. The brat wasn't tall, but not short either. Skin a suntanned she had the look of any other gypsy but her eyes were actually very unique. They were a deep gold, none like he'd ever seen before. And she seemed somehow, calm. He'd never show it but this was very surprising, almost every other gypsy her age would have burst into tears, tried to escape frantically or begin to cry out for help. But this brat just stood there, a desperate look in her eyes. Hmm... "How old are you?" He asked, giving her hair another tug. She looked at the archdeacon before whispering, "Seven" Frollo stroked his chin thoughtfully before giving a growl, scowling at the archdeacon, "Fine, she shall be my servant for a year and then I will choose. Does that satisfy you old man?" He growled crossly. The archdeacon gave a nod and Frollo watched him walk into the church. Once he was gone he muttered, "Mad old goat" before turning to Healia, bringing her to eye level. "Now, you know I don't want you and I know that completely. Here are a few rules that you will have to follow if you value everything you have. First, you will call me master, not Frollo, Judge or anything like that. Second of all, you have no rights in my house; you are a servant with no voice, no options or anything of that nature. Third you will be awoken at dawn for prayers, not that I believe gypsies have a culture of any sort and be sent to bed when your jobs are completed. Fourth you are the bottom of the hierarchy in my household, you answer to everyone and refuse nobody of what they want you to do. Fifth you can be struck or hit by me and with no objections, whatsoever. And finally if you try to escape before your year is up I will lock you in the dungeon for the rest of your pitiful life, am I understood?" He growled wrathfully, his lips beside her ear. She gave a small nod, "I'm no coward." She said, staring into his eyes. He raised an eyebrow but sneered, "True, but you are one of the most imbecilic gypsies in existence." She then again glanced at the fountain and he gave an exasperated sigh, "What in the heavens do you keep glancing at?" He snapped, turning to find another gypsy that looked a lot like Healia dart away. Giving a cruel laugh he turned to Healia, "So your little brat friend just left you to fend for yourself hm?" this made Healia bite her lip and shake her head but stay silent. Frollo heaved her onto his horse and bound her hands with her own little scarf so she couldn't get away before getting on the horse and riding back to the Palace of Justice, now wondering what he'd gotten himself into.

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