"Merry Christmas Master,"

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    Late December cold and snow blew into the city of Paris, freezing both people's feet and noses as they rushed to get somewhere warm. Healia pressed her face to the glass, staring at the snowfall in wonder. It never ceased to amaze her, snow. Probably since it didn't snow in Greece and it seemed to snow heavily here. The first time she'd run out in the snow she'd fallen on her face, making a few observations as she face planted into the slush. It was wet, white like a cloud and very, very cold. She'd then rushed back into Clopin's arms, trying to get warm again. He then took her back to the Court of Miracles and she'd been able to have warm cider made from many different fruits, mostly apple and grape. Esy had teased her about her heroic dive into the snow but they ended up sharing the cider, wrapped in a blanket. Gigi smiled at her friend's expression, "I don't know why you find snow so amazing Healia,it does this every year and it makes everything cold, wet and slippery. I remember one year running from here to Notre Dame to try and stay warm but ended up tripping and landing on my rump right in front of the church. My friends were laughing their heads off and I was blushing like a rose and..." But Marie interrupted her, "Nobody cares Gigi,stop talking to yourself! Oh wait; you were talking to brat weren't you? She's so small it's hard to notice her." The young woman sneered, making Healia stick her tongue out at her back, causing Gigi to burst into a fit of giggles at Healia's expression. Healia moved away from the window and swept up the ash from the floor, tossing it out as she muttered about how she'd never done anything to Marie to earn such treatment before the runner boy burst in,Charles. "Hello lovely ladies, I am here to wish you all a very merry Christmas." He grinned, making Healia look slightly confused. "What's Christmas?" She asked, causing all of them to gasp, "You don't know what Christmas is? Gosh you sure are dumb brat." Marie scoffed, making Gigi roll her eyes, "Christmas wasn't celebrated by gypsies?" Healia shrugged, "I never knew what it really was, I didn't celebrate it where I came from. We celebrated the beginning of winter and the end of it but never, Christmas. What is it?" Gigi laughed, "Why it's a time of giving and laughter, a time to be with the ones you love. In fact master sometimes lets us go back to our families for Christmas, even if he docks us a bit of our pay. Maybe he'll do it again this year!" Marie smirked, "Too bad brat, you don't have anywhere to go." Healia's eyes narrowed and she was just about to spit back a comment when Mrs. Bette bustled in, "All of you, master said we could take tonight to visit our families, it is Christmas Eve after all!" All the servants cheered softly,making sure not to be too loud to disturb the judge, except Healia. She wondered if Frollo would let her go home, probably not since he wouldn't be sure she'd come back. Besides it's not like they really celebrated Christmas.Oh well, at least she wouldn't have to fall asleep to snores and sleep mumbling like always. But what would happen? Would she be alone with Frollo? Maybe he'd have her read again, at least then she wouldn't be in bed by the evening mass like usual since her chores were usually done by then. By sunset all the servants had left, Gigi babbling with the runner boy as they walked out together, Mrs. Bette giving Healia one last glance before hobbling out while Marie sneered at her before batting her lashes at Frollo who raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. Once they'd all left Frollo looked at the only servant who hadn't left, Healia. They stared at each other for a while before he pulled off his chaperon, "Come on brat, you are going to reside here for the night apparently so I think I would be best if you came to my study, you will read aloud for a while." He ordered, making her nod and follow him like a trailing puppy up the stairs before sitting down in his study, taking the book he handed her. She began to read and he settled himself in his chair, listening to her soft voice as she read aloud. After a few hours he stood and took the book from her, setting it on his desk, "Don't touch anything as I get something, got it?"He commanded and she gave another nod, waiting patiently on the floor as he went to his room and changed into his nightshirt. Once he came back he was shocked to find her asleep, passed out on the floor, curled up in a ball. She looked so innocent like that, so fragile, like a porcelain tea cup. He wanted to sit down again but something within him tugged him to her side, listening to her rhythmic breathing. Shutting his eyes he made his breath match hers until they were breathing in the same time. Then to his shock he felt his arms wraparound her and pick her up, making her smile slightly and shift in her sleep,causing him to almost lose his grip on her. Holding back a curse he felt a wave of wonder fill him, he'd never held someone so close, never in his life had he embraced a child nor any other person. Her warm body pressed to his felt... good,it felt really good, something he found himself wanting. His mind now shut down he carried the gypsy to his large bed and set her down, staring at her as she gave a small shiver of cold silk against her skin before curling back up for warmth. He stared a while longer before sighing, saying prayers and asking himself what in the heavens he'd just done, why had he put the little brat in his bed? Was it that he couldn't bare sleeping alone now that he knew the amazing sensation that another human brought? She was just a child, not like this was suggestive in any way... She was eight for crying out loud! He was 30! Huge difference. With that thought he clambered into bed, at first laying on the complete opposite of her, neither touching the other. But then he'd slowly inched closer until her head was pressed to his chest, making him try to fightback a gasp of surprise as she snuggled closer, gently wrapping her arms around him in a childish gesture. He lay there, frozen, as he decided on what to do next. Just go to sleep? But he didn't want to accidentally crush her, but she would cry out if he did...maybe everything would be clearer in the morning, he was suddenly exhausted for some reason. Her rich raven hair smelled of nature that slightly intrigued him since she hadn't been in nature for some time.Setting his head on a pillow he felt her shift slightly before he fully laid himself down, falling into a deep sleep from the sound of her rhymed breathing,the warmth she provided making him drowsy. Finally he was just about to drift into oblivion when he heard a little, sweet whisper, "Merry Christmas Master" before he fell into unconsciousness, sweet,warm unconsciousness.

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