A Visit From the Captain

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   Healia was thrust into a cell in one of thedungeons, slipping and falling on her behind. Looking around she groaned, itwas a small, dank and dark cell, the floor filthy and walls grimy. Pressing herhead to the wall she looked at the ceiling, wishing to have wings and fly outof such confinements. "Esmeralda what have you done now?" She muttered toherself, imagining her sister giving a shrug or a mischievous smile, like she'dtaken Clopin's favorite hat again. Then she began to examine herself forinjuries, finding a bruise on her calf and a small cut on her wrist butthankfully nothing else. Soon her eyes got accustomed to the darkness, makingout a little cup of dirty water to her left but to her disappointment no candleof any sort. Standing up shakily she walked to the door of her cell and feltthe rough wood against her fingers, reminding her of the tree she'd laid herhead against earlier today. Sitting down again she murmured, "When I get out ofhere I'm going to kill you Esy, I am going to kill you and that goat of yours."But then a voice interrupted her muttering, "Then I guess you do knowEsmeralda, might I help you kill that goat? It gave me a dent in my armor." Itchuckled, making her spin to find the captain with a candle in one hand. "Whatdo you want?" She spat, eyes blazing gold in the torchlight. He held up hisother hand in surrender, "Don't worry, I'm not here to torture you, I just wantsome info, that's all." She narrowed her eyes, "About what, my friend? Toughluck, I'm not talking." She snarled stubbornly. The captain shut the doorslowly and kneeled, "I want to know about your history with Frollo. I'mcurious, that's all. I've never seen him banter with a gypsy." Her looksoftened slightly and she sighed, "Why do you care? And, wait, that wasn'tbanter!" she retorted and he sighed, "Right, it was flirting." She bristledbefore giving a small laugh, "Well, well, you certainly know your way withwords. Fine, when I was seven years old I tried to rob the Judge but he caughtme. He was going to kill me but thankfully the archdeacon saved my skin andtold Frollo to make me his servant for one year, and once the year was up hecould either throw me out or keep me as his servant forever. So I began to workin the house of the Judge, cleaning and washing. I made friends and enemies butto my surprise I began to like him. He found me reading in his study and mademe read aloud, saying he was impressed with my ability to read Greek. I becameclose to him and I knew he felt something about me, even though he tried tohide it. By the end of the year I had grown slightly fond of him since he wouldteach me how to say new words and I enjoyed learning. But once the year was uphe let me go. I still don't know why do, but when he did I saw he was tryingnot to show any emotion at all." Healia finished, looking at the captain.Phoebus looked at her in shock before rubbing his chin, "Well, I never expectedhe'd be like that. It's like the total opposite of the Judge I know and workfor. Thank you for telling me, I was curious since I heard your conversationwith him. Could you not tell him if he comes to you about my little visit?"Phoebus asked, starting to stand up. Healia gave a small nod, "Don't worry, butI never caught your name, captain." She asked. Phoebus smiled, "It's Phoebus, Ihave to leave or risk getting caught, thank you for telling me about your past,it really clears a lot of things up." She gave a nod before watching him leave,taking the precious light with him until she was once again in pitch blackdarkness that consumed her and helped her drift into a dreamless sleep. 

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