"I Fear Death Most of All"

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Why does the master have you come to his study every few nights?" A voice questioned and Healia turned to find a maid standing behind her, arms crossed and a suspicious look on her face. Healia suddenly remembered this was Marie, Gigi had told her that the gossip about her was that this maid was very easily jealous and a little kiss-up, always trying to get good with the master since she fancied him, saying he was handsome in a dark way. At about 15 she was about marrying age but she had her sights set firmly on Frollo even though many other men found her pretty, with her creamy skin and shiny blond hair. Healia just gave a shrug and went back to washing the carrots the one of the cooks had left out for her, telling her she needed to wash all of them so they could be cooked. Unlike most other lords Frollo had been raised to appreciate a good plain meal and ate veggies, even when he could eat meat instead. He knew a good diet kept a man on his feet and so it did, he was fit and healthy, as well as one of the best swordsmen in Paris. Marie gave a sniff, "Come on and tell me, I know you know why. Tell me why he has you come to his study at night!" She cried and Healia just sighed, scrubbing another vegetable, as silent as the grave. Her business was not Marie's business, end of story; she had no right to question her like that. Marie then snatched the vegetable Healia was scrubbing, holding it high as Healia merely looked up at her. "Tell me!" Marie demanded but Healia just picked up another veggie but Marie snatched it too, holding them high. Healia rolled her eyes and smiled at Marie, "If you go on like this, we won't have any vegetables for dinner." Marie kept holding them high but after a moment she realized this was stupid and that this little girl wasn't going to talk she threw down the carrots, giving a huff and stomping off, leaving Healia to smirk and go back to work. Point one Healia, point zero for Marie.

    Now in April Healia was well set into life as a servant, she could get up herself at dawn and was so tired by the end of the day that she usually fell asleep instantly. Almost all the staff enjoyed her company, laughing at her thoughtfulness and quiet nature, saying she was too quiet for a child her age and that she had to be the thoughtful child in Paris. But there were those who were suspicious of her, well it was really only Marie who continued to pry, trying to find out why her master had taken such an interest in this little girl when he should be thinking about her instead. She worked all over the house on all sorts of chores, from cleaning dish wear, folding sheets, pulling out plants from the garden of the servants to making beds with the help of others, scrubbing floors and cleaning fireplaces, her least favorite chore. And at night once and a while she would read aloud from Greek written books to Frollo. He would correct words she messed up and she would repeat them out of her own choice, trying to memorize them for next time, much to his surprise. She seemed almost eager to learn new, harder words. But why? Why did she want to learn new words if after this year she probably wouldn't need them as a gypsy? Tonight was no different; she was standing in his study, a large book in her arms and a large word on her lips. Frollo meanwhile sat in his chair, scribbling notes from the book. "Priditiment, predictiment, predicasent." She tried but none of them sounded correct. Frollo had no patience for error and the annoying way it sounded was really getting on his nerves. Finally after three more tries he stood and tapped her head, "It is predicament, say it, predicament." He pronounced. She gave a nod and tried to sound it out, "Pre, dica, ment, predicament?" Healia attempted again and he gave a nod, making her grin before go back to reading. Frollo moved to her side, reading over her shoulder. "The predicament we all face in life is fear. We all fear something; it hides deep within us like a caged beast that rages when we are met with our fear. But what is fear, what is it really? Fear can be a horrible memory that leaves us frightened or over cautious about something. While other times fear is anger, built up until it blinds us like a sheet. But altogether fear is misunderstanding, for man fears nothing more than the unknown. We believe we know anything and everything in the world while in reality we know only the bare scrape of the treasures of knowledge that is possible to acquire. If we were all the challenge the unknown and face what we fear most we might find a world of peace and knowledge, or be able to truly see the monstrosity of humanity for what it truly is. Who knows what lies in the unknown, but one thing is simple about the unknown. It is filled with what we fear most if we run from it and holds our dreams and hopes if we face it." When Healia finished she turned to Frollo, eyes glowing in the soft light of the fire. "Master, what do you fear most?" She asked softly. He stiffened and looked away, silent. When he didn't answer there was an empty silence in the room before to his surprise, Healia began to speak. "I fear the night since that's when my Mama and papa where killed. I also fear the bloodthirsty nature of men. The man who killed them came at midnight, he did it in cold blood, I guess something about "his only love being stolen" whatever that means. He came after me too but I escaped, but the worst part about it was..." She trailed off and he didn't want to turn to her, worried he would see tears in her eyes and try to comfort her. Then her voice came back, choked up and filled with emotion, "The worst part was I didn't get to say goodbye." Healia sniffled, eyes tearing up. Frollo felt his voice come out of his mouth, but for some reason his mind wasn't commanding his lips, his soul and heart was. "Death, I fear death most of all. I worry I will die a lonely man, no wife, no children, no friends. No one to grieve at my grave when I pass, in fact some will probably rejoice at my death. A fear like that hides well in the soul, and drives a man to do horrid things in his lifetime to try and keep himself alive a while longer." He whispered, licking his dry lips when done. She sighed, "I felt like that when my mama and papa died, I was worried I was going to fade into nothing, a nameless grave." He took a deep breath and she finished, "But I came here and made friends and family, now I know when I die someday that I will be remembered, even if it is one person." He ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it slightly, "I will not be remembered in any good way when I die, I know that." He said softly. Then Healia whispered, "I'll remember you master, I'll remember you teaching me how to say words correctly." He spun to her, staring into those golden eyes that spoke the truth, she wasn't going to forget him anytime. He felt his throat tighten and he twisted away, not wanting her to seem him like this. "Goodnight master, am I dismissed to bed?" She asked and he gave a quick nod. She went to him and touched his hand gently, making his eyes widen in shock before she scampered off to bed, leaving Frollo alone with such deep feelings of thanks that he couldn't go to sleep for some time.

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