"I Will Not Forget You"

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Healia awoke to the chiming of bells and groggily opened her golden eyes, slightly surprised to find herself within the bed of the Judge. He was still asleep, hair a mess around his face and arms slightly wrapped around her, making her sigh happily. He might act mean, he was mean and cold as well as awful but there was a little spark within him, a spark of kindness that she had created within him, only big enough for her. He was dressed in a black nightshirt that kind of reminded her of a dress, making her try and hold back a giggle. It was sweet that he let her sleep here with him, nice and warm instead of cold and alone in the servant's quarters. Gently touching his chin she held her breath as he merely shifted. Now a bit braver she touched the tip of his nose, making him sniffle and sigh heavily. Giving a small smile she touched his lips and forehead... before a pale hand shot out and grabbed hers, making her yelp slightly. Frollo wearily opened his eyes and glared at her, "What are you doing? I..." He paused and looked her over, "What in the heavens were you doing?" He asked gruffly, grogginess within his voice. She smiled, "I, was just... Wondering why you took me here." Frollo sat up and ran a hand though his messy hair, sighing to himself, "You would have frozen in the servant's quarters, you passed out besides. Why?" He asked snappishly but she quickly shook her head, making her hair bounce madly around her face. Getting up he looked at her, "Once in a lifetime experience, get out of my bed brat and see if you can make breakfast." He huffed, making her smile slightly. Healia slipped from the bed and rushed off, leaving Frollo to wonder, what had possessed him to take her into his room?

Healia hopped nervously from foot to foot,she hadn't expected her year to be up so quickly.It felt like it had flown by like an eagle. Mrs. Bette was telling her not tobe nervous and that whatever master's decision was she would have to accept it.Gigi was whispering about the time she'd been this frightened when master hadmade her shop alone and told her she couldn't come back into the house withouta certain item. While Marie was silently praying for their master to sendHealia as far away as possible. A thick layer of tension lay in the air sincethey had all grown use to Healia's presence, her thoughtful words and goldeneyes that sparkled with curiosity. But the murmuring and whispering halted whenFrollo entered the room, hands behind his back, "Well, it has been a year andso I have made my decision about the brat staying or going." He paused andeverybody held their breath in anticipation. "And I have decided, that, thebrat will be let go. She will nolonger be my concern or yours, brat you may go and change back into your oldclothes or keep the ones you have on right now, I don't care. But you are toleave this instant." He cried while his nails were digging into his palm andwrist, hard enough to draw blood, trying to keep him from going back on hisdecision. Healia gave a nod, no emotion on her face as she took only one thingwith her other than her old gypsy clothes, the book he'd given her. She walkedto Frollo and gave a bow before Gigi gave her a hug and Mrs. Bette tried hardnot to cry, sniffling into a handkerchief. Marie on the other hand was bouncingwith glee; she was finally rid of the gypsy that had caused her so muchtrouble. All the servants told her goodbye and that they'd hoped to see heragain sometime and she began to leave when her gaze focused back on Frollo whowas silently biting his inner cheek until it bled to keep from showing anyemotion. She said something in Greek that left everyone confused except Frollowho translated it in his head, "I will not forget you, master." And with thatshe left, leaving the house of the Judge to wonder what it would be likewithout her. Frollo went to the window and watched as the gypsy she calledClopin dropped his satchel and scooped her into a huge hug, laughing with joy.Even from the distance Frollo could see the delighted look on her face and thetears in her eyes as she happily sobbed into her foster father's shoulder.That, that right there was the reason he wouldn't keep her here, he could nevergive her that, no matter how much he wanted to he wouldn't be able to providesuch undying love of family to her. With a heavy sigh the Judge pressed a handto the window, "Goodbye brat, I hope you'rehappy." And with that he left the window, going back to the world that hadexisted before her arrival.

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