"You've Changed, A Lot"

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19 years later...

Healia sat under a tree right before the graveyard, fingering the worn spine of a book that had lived with her for some time, a book she'd memorized by heart. Her long raven hair billowed in the gentle breeze, making her look to the sky and wonder if anybody she knew was in heaven, or lingering in a grave like a ghost. A peaceful sigh escaped her rosy lips and she pressed her head against the bark of the tree, the rough texture soothing her mind and body. But she was suddenly jerked from a world of fantasy into the hard world of reality when she was attacked from behind. Giving a cry of anger she spun to meet the attacker, landing a fairly hard kick to one man's thigh, making him howl with pain as she rolled out from under him and tried to run but she again was tackled, now by two figures. A man in golden armor sat on a horse near her, two soldiers grasping her hands behind her back and forcing her to her knees. Twisting about she gave a yelp of pain when one soldier jerked her arms down, keeping her from moving. Looking up she saw the soldier in golden armor, probably a captain, look down at her before calling out, "Sir, we have captured another gypsy." But she stopped squirming when she saw a dark horse pad up to her and its rider. He had changed a bit, light grey hair instead of dark iron, more lines upon his face and a more commanding feel around him. But other than that he hadn't changed that much, he still had hard grey eyes. He had a sneer curled on his lip until he saw those golden eyes that stared up at him. Then the look of smugness faded to one of shock and astonishment. They stared at each other for a long moment before he examined the side of her face, finding two faint scars on her jaw. He felt everything within his body go cold before he spoke, "Brat?" She gave him a look, "Master?" He gave a small nod, making her eyes sparkle with remembrance. Glancing at the soldiers he began to speak to her in Greek, hoping she hadn't forgotten. "You've changed, a lot." He said, making the soldiers look confused since none of them understood the language. But the captain, Phoebus, under stood the ancient tongue and was even more surprised at Frollo's words. Healia looked at herself before back at him, responding in perfect Greek, "It's been 19 years, did you think I'd stay in the same shapeless little girl form I was when I was eight, master?" She teased. Now Phoebus was confused, how did Frollo know this young woman, how did she know Greek, why did her call her brat and she called him master? As these questions spun though his head he continued to listen in to the conversation. "I don't know if I should continue to call you brat since it did stick when you were within my domain, tell me, have you tried robbing any other lords lately?" He replied, making her smirk, "Maybe so, maybe not, it's not like any of them would catch me, they are all stupid compared to you. But I would be in quite a predicament if I tried and got caught again." She responded, making a smile try and tug at his thin lips but he shook it away. "At least now your body matches your mind, beautiful." Frollo murmured, instantly regretting the words once they left his lips. A blush filled her cheeks and she looked slightly taken back at his words. "Now when did you start caring about beauty? For me you were much more concerned if I got a word right or not, you certainly hated when I got a word wrong again and again. It looked like you were going to burst with irritation." Frollo bit the inside of his cheek to restrain from smiling. "If your voice wasn't so irritating I might have been a little more patient. But it drove me mad when you continued to get the word wrong." "Is Marie still trying to win your affection? By now I bet she would have begun to try and jump into your bed." Healia said teasingly, smiling slightly. Frollo sighed, "I would prefer not to talk about her, she has gotten more disturbing as the years pass. But tell me, do you know the gypsy Esmeralda?" Healia froze; the teasing look on her face gone in an instant, replaced by suspicion. "Why?" She asked, now speaking in plain French. Frollo gave her a sharp look, "For I am after the little witch, now tell me, do you know her?" Healia looked down, "No, I don't know the gypsy Esmeralda." She muttered. Suddenly something within him clicked a memory when she tried to rob him. The gypsy that looked a lot like her that had fled when she'd been caught. "Was she the little girl that fled when I caught you?" He inquired, making fear flash in her eyes but she didn't answer. Well that was all the answer he needed. Giving a smug smirk he looked at his soldiers, "Well until you talk you are going to be locked up. But don't worry, I certainly have ways of getting you to talk brat." Healia began to struggle but her leg was brutally kicked, making something within Frollo wince as if he was the one being kicked instead of her. As they began to drag her away Phoebus rode up to Frollo, "Sir, how do you know this gypsy exactly?" He asked, making Frollo pause and glare at him, suddenly remembering that his papers had said his new captain could understand Greek. Frollo cursed under his breath, so this idiot had been able to listen in to his conversation with her? Frollo scowled at the captain, "My past with this gypsy is between her and I, nobody else, got it? I suggest you forget whatever you heard us say, if you value your position and your life." He growled dangerously. "Of course sir," Phoebus said obediently, following Frollo. But within his mind he chose to remember their conversation and when she was alone ask her what past she shared with the cold Judge.

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