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Healia looked up from her blanket that she was trying to sew but ending up pricking herself again and again to find Gigi standing next to her, bouncing nervously from foot to foot. "What is it?" Healia asked curiously, wondering why her friend was so antsy. "Master wants to see you, he says it's important." She whispered, making Healia self-consciously touch the two small scars that lay beneath her jaw from the last time she'd gone to Frollo for something "important" after that episode she'd read blandly each time he had her read, her old shine gone for knowledge from the man who didn't trust her or believe her words. Hopefully this time wouldn't end in her getting struck with sharp rings. Setting down her needle and blanket Healia began to tread up the stairs to his study, finding Marie dusting. The older servant narrowed her eyes at Healia, "What are you doing up here rat? Aren't you supposed to be in the servant's quarters right now?" Healia took a deep breath, "I am here to see our master, I was asked to come so if you will excuse me." Marie gave a shrill giggle, "I wonder if you're here for another beating, you could use another scar to complete the set you have. Very unappealing if I might add." Healia turned to the girl and looked very irritated, "If you don't mind Marie, I have matters to attend to and the next time you try to get me in trouble just remember, it's not hard to see you find Frollo handsome and think of him as your Prince in black velvet so I think you had better stop trying to make me look bad. Because it isn't going to get him to ask for your hand that way alright?" Healia fumed, leaving Marie red in the face and speechless before walking into Frollo's study, finding him seated by the fire, reading a book until she walked in. He gestured for her to shut the door and she did so before walking up to him but stopping at a safe distance. He sipped his wine before speaking, "I could hear you telling off Marie brat, I have to admit I am surprised at your blackmail experience. But I already know that fool fancies me." Healia looked slightly surprised, "You do?" He took another sip of wine, "Do you take me for a fool brat? Of course I do! She is very determined and disturbing in her ways at trying to get me to marry her. But I find nothing about her attractive, it's not like I'm looking for a wife anytime soon. I won't marry a woman for there probably isn't a woman in all of Paris that would share my interests and intellect." He said softly before setting down his cup, "I also heard her mocking you about the... marks I left upon you in my blind rage. Once you left I put the pieces together and got the drift it was Marie that set you up and I have decided to do something that I am hoping you will not make me regret." He paused, watching the old glow of curiosity fill her eyes before continuing, "I am going to make you my personal servant, you are to be at my side and tend to my needs. I haven't had one in some time and I must trust this servant if they are to gain this position." He hinted making her eyes glow; she knew what he was hinting at. He was pretty much saying he did trust her and that he was willing to trust her. "But you still are the bottom of the heap and now have to answer to me personally." He added sternly but Healia gave a nod, "Thank you master, I am grateful for such a chance." She said softly while her eyes told a different story. They were light and happy again, so different from when he had struck her. "You start now brat, I want you to take all my dirty clothes and get them washed immediately, go now." He commanded and she gave a nod before rushing off, leaving Frollo feeling he had done something that would make her feel a bit better about trusting him again.

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