"I Couldn't Let You Die,"

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For the next few days Healia and Healia alone tended to her sick master, feeding him soup, giving him water when he could drink it and wetting his lips when he couldn't, trying to keep him comfortable, keeping him cool during his worst times of fever and reading to him when he was awake, making sure to read quietly and not too loud. He couldn't yell orders or command in such a state but he rambled when in fever, speaking gibberish that slightly intrigued and frightened her. He sounded like a madman, but still it sounded interesting. Today was no different, it was his fifth day since falling ill and he was muttering words in, maybe Latin that sounded angry. Healia poured him water and pulled out a leaf and nudged it to his mouth. He stopped muttering and looked at her in irritation, "What is that? I'm not going to eat a leaf brat; it will do me no good." Frollo muttered, trying to push back loose hairs from his eyes that dangled there. Healia gave a nod, "Yes it will; this is feverfew and it will help with your fever." She said gently, nudging it against his lip again. "How do you know?" he asked suspiciously, looking into her eyes. She smiled and pushed the hairs from his eyes, "Because my stepmother taught me, this was the only leaf I could remember." He tried to object but she quickly shoved it into his mouth before he could protest, making sure he chewed and swallowed before going back to her duties. "Little pest" He growled once he'd swallowed the leaf. Healia just pulled the covers over him and got down from the bed, "The leaf should help soon, you stay here and rest okay?" She said and Frollo snorted, "Where else would I go? I'm sick, remember?" he snapped, making her smile widen, "You're getting better, see? You can make dry humor, at least that's what Clopin calls it." Frollo was silent for a while as she scampered off, she had done so much for him, taking care of him when nobody else would, she was truly something, different. He then felt very drowsy; causing him to hope this wasn't a poisonous leaf she'd given him. Taking a heavy breath he wiped his sweaty forehead slowly before turning on his side, wondering why she cared so much about him, enough to take care of him like this. It's almost as if she... liked him as a friend. That word sounded foreign, in truth he didn't really have anybody to put in that category, maybe her... But she was a gypsy, why would she care so much about him even as he hunted her people? Why? Ugh, all this thinking was making his head ache again. Giving a moan he stared at the book she had left beside him. Picking it up slowly he stared at in surprise, this was the book he'd given her before going off. It was in perfect condition, still clean and spotless. He was slightly shocked she had kept in such good condition, but then something swelled within him, a happy feeling that went by one name, pride. Wait, he was proud of her? Why? It's not like he cared about her or anything, he couldn't, he shouldn't care about little Healia! But, what if he did? What if he had feelings for her?! What if he looked at her like a child he could care about? NO! He couldn't do that, he already had one imp to take care of; he wouldn't do this to himself. He wouldn't be soft. She was a brat, he didn't care a smidge for her, yet why was he proud of her? Why was he proud at her achievements when it came to responsibility and intelligence? Taking a deep breath he ran a hand though his sweat drenched dark grey curls and cursed into the empty room, that little gypsy was making him very complicated inside. He wouldn't care about her, he wouldn't grow to like or, much less love her as his own, he was to stay steady, it was almost the end of the arrangement, only a few more months left until he could be rid of her, that was his plan, don't care about her, don't worry. And with that thought he drifted to sleep, not aware he was grasping the book she'd saved close to him as he slept.

The next morning Frollo sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes as a little figure walked into the room, carrying a large tray that looked too big for her. Turning to her he gave a nod, seeing it was Healia. "What did you do to me?" He asked,making her shrug, "I just gave you the broth and let you sleep, why? Are you feeling better master?" She gasped and Frollo sighed, "I believe so, by the power in God, I think I am! Still a tad weak but I should be able to get out of this bed." Healia grinned and brought him his breakfast, fresh bread, tea and spreads of his choice. "Now, tell me, were you the only one who tended to me?"He inquired, taking a sip of the tea. Healia gave a nod, "I did, I made sure you didn't get too warm." "But why exactly did you do it?" He asked, spreading a bit of butter on his bread. Healia looked down, "Because nobody else wanted to, and I was your personal servant, I couldn't let you die." She mumbled,making him almost choke on his tea. There was a long silence before he chuckled darkly, "So star-struck Marie didn't want to?" Healia sighed, "She didn't want to get sick, saying she was too pretty to catch fever and die. I didn't mind,my friends got sick a lot and I helped my stepmother tend to them so I know my way around sick people." She added. Frollo sighed as well, "Well, I want you to get my clothes ready, I probably have lots of built up work to attend to by now, what is the date?" Healia replied,"May 3 master." He gave a groan, "Six days stuck in bed? That's absurd! How in the name of God was I that sick?" He asked in angry shock, taking a bite of bread. Healia shook her head and he then pulled out the book she'd left, "Well done brat, take it and keep it, I have to get dressed." She took the book and gave a gasp of delight before bowing and leaving the room, making Frollo wonder if he what his next move would be with this brat, this gypsy that seemed to get to him every time.

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