A Reunion in the Dungeon

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Frollo walked slowly down the dark hall, carrying a candle to provide light in the dark, slimy dungeons. He hadn't been able to sleep right last night, something within him continuing to scream that she didn't deserve to sleep in the dungeons, cold and miserable. She'd done no wrong to him, yet why was he punishing her? He'd tossed and turned all night, body exhausted but mind too restless to fall asleep. Not only was he tormented by that witch Esmeralda, but now guilt of doing wrong to the brat he'd had serve his home for a year. What did these women have that sent his mind over the edge and left guilt, sorrow and need brewing and festering within him? Rubbing his eyes he stopped outside her cell, hearing the gentle breathing of a woman, the sweet soft sound that made him sigh longingly, a sound he hadn't heard in a while. Slowly he fumbled for the key within his cloak and pulled it out, sticking it in the lock. The door creaked as he pushed it open, finding her asleep, curled up to keep warm. Memories flooded his mind, leaving his body tingling all over with remembrance as he thought about that night in December, she was curled up and asleep, him picking her up and taking her to his bed to keep her from catching a cold, lying beside her, falling asleep to the rhythm of her breathing and the sweet scent of nature. His mind then began to come up with useless questions; did her hair still smell like nature? If he took her back to his room and let her sleep on his bed would she press to him like when she was a child? Would she touch his face in the morning like she had on that fateful day in December? But suddenly these thoughts were flushed away as his conscious came back to life. She was not the woman he was after; she'd worked in his house for the love of God! She had been eight when he was thirty, didn't he tell himself he wouldn't do a thing that might be suggestive with this girl? But then again she was no longer a girl but a woman, a beautiful, clever, witty woman that had eyes like the sun... Wait, what was wrong with him?! It was bad enough he was after a gypsy he'd seen at the festival, but now he was finding things suggestive about the girl who had worked for him out of an agreement? That's it, he truly was mad, maybe he should just go to his bed and see if he could sleep some more, maybe this lack of sleep was turning on thoughts that had long been silenced after so many years. But his legs wouldn't obey his mind, he jerkily walked into her cell, watching her chest rise and fall slowly, a mesmerizing rhythm. Frollo suddenly regained his composure and knelt beside her, making sure to shut the door, so she couldn't escape. He had some things to discuss with her. Frollo then brushed his finger against her lips, making her sigh on his palm, sending a shock of warmth up his frame. But she apparently wasn't waking up right now, she was probably exhausted. His mind was then filled with images of him picking her up, carrying her sleeping, limp form to his bed and laying her down, watching her smile in her sleep but, apparently, that was all fantasy. Besides if she slept in his bed he didn't know if he'd be able to sleep with her warm frame so close. It certainly would be suggestive to those who saw him, no matter how much he threatened them. Giving a sigh he stood slowly, beginning to open the door when a gentle tugging on the hem on his robes made him pause, hearing a soft voice, "Wait, why did you come Frollo?" He turned to her, feeling her grip loosen slightly but still cling to his clothing. She was awake, eyes glowing like that of a feline in the candle light he had in his hand. "I came to speak to you brat." She looked into his eyes, their gazes locking before he murmured, "My cassock. You're still gripping my cassock. I'm not leaving right now." In the flickering light he could have sworn a faint flush filled her cheeks as her hand hastily let go of his clothes. "What did you come to speak to me about; you know I won't talk about my friend." She said sternly, making him smirk. "I wanted to talk to the only brat in Paris that would read Greek and speak it with ease." She sighed, "It's been quite a long time hasn't it? Tell me about who's left in your servitude." Frollo replied softly, "Mrs. Bette is dead, Charles and Gigi are married but it is mostly the same, Marie still works for me though, it is actually now very concerning since she continues to burst into my room, even when I'm changing. I've told her again and again that she should knock but I bet she does it all on purpose, thankfully I can change quick enough to keep most of myself from her prying eyes." Frollo grumbled, making Healia give a giggle, "Oh that must be awful! She's probably an older woman by now, and I bet she hasn't married a single man, probably hoping you will change your mind one of these days." Her smile made him sigh, "Now what have you been up to brat, robbing and stealing I'm guessing?" He replied, making her roll her eyes. "No, I dance and tell stories, at least I use to. Until..." Her eyes told him she meant being caught and thrown into a cell. Again that bothersome guilt tugged at his gut but he pushed down the emotion, "Have you married brat?" Healia ran a hand over her cheek, "No, I haven't married any man yet. It's not like anybody truly loves the real me, the clever girl that loved to learn new words and such. Have you?" He swiftly spoke. "No, of course not! At least; not yet." He saw a look flash in her eyes. Hope and...jealousy? He felt color rush to his cheeks. Oh why did he have to bring this topic up? Things were getting awkward. He then looked at the floor as he spoke, "Why will you not speak of your friend to me?" Healia's look hardened slightly, "Because she has made me swear on my life and virginity to never reveal where she is to you. Besides you call her a witch when she is not one, I should know, we are practically sisters. She was the one who had warned me not to try and rob you but I didn't listen. I love her and she loves me. That means we trust each other dearly. Besides she has told me of what you said to her in Notre Dame, and I have to admit, that was quite suggestive indeed." She retorted, making him growl, "Our affairs are not of your concern." "Yes they are, she is my sister and you certainly aren't going to win her over like that. I was just imagining a rope around that pretty neck of yours? That certainly is going to make her head over heels for you." Healia mocked. Frollo narrowed his eyes, "I suggest you leave this topic alone, besides, it's not going to help you get out of here in any way." She rolled her eyes, "What I'm trying to tell you is that Esmeralda is not the woman for you. I'm telling you right now, she is a flirt and not a bit as smart as you think. Yes she's witty and has an hourglass figure but she is not your type. I spent a year with you within your house and found out the type you were. It's clever and beautiful, she might be the second one but trust me, she isn't really the first. All you see is a pretty figure and to be fair, that's all that's there. I should know." Frollo wanted to block his ears from her words but they seeped into his mind, making a seed of doubt sprout within him. But the rest of him wanted to defend the woman he was after. "Why do you care anyway? You're not the one I'm after." She bristled, that emotion flaring in her golden eyes again, jealousy. It surprised him faintly. "But I am the sister of the one you're after, I think that counts in the books. What ever happened to the man who said he probably wasn't going to marry? You could live a happy life without loving her so madly. I have seen her flirt and banter with all sorts of men, even spending the evening with them. Frollo, if you value your own dignity I advise you to stop such a vicious manhunt." He furiously ran a hand though his hair, "I can't, I cannot stop until I've found her. She has trapped me in her web of enchantment." Healia suddenly stuck his hard across the face, making him jerk back from the force. "Maybe that can cure her enchantment. It's a sort of love you're new to; it's happen to me too. But it can take another person you love to snap you out of such a fake trance." She cried bitterly. Frollo was silent for a moment before grasping her by her hair, making her cry out in anger and pain, "How dare you speak as if I know nothing. Do not forget brat, I am your master and shall always be." He snarled, making her growl softly, "Sometimes I wonder if this would have happened to you if I'd just stayed. What happened to you Judge Frollo? What changed about you after so many years?" She asked. He gave her hair another brutal yank, "This isn't your business, if you would just tell me where your friend is I would let you go." She was silent for a moment before murmuring, "You're lying, I know you won't free me if I tell you, so I will give you no information about her." Frollo gave her hair another yank, fury pumping though him as he yanked her up and pressed her to the wall, glaring into her golden eyes. He was panting like a feral beast in the low light, eyes glinting steel before his lips met hers. Her eyes widened in surprise before her body reacted and she kissed back, her fingers gently winding around his neck. To her surprise his kiss was strong and rough, making her sigh hotly against his mouth. But then, just as he was wrapping his arms around her waist she tore away, staring at him in shock and then looking down, "Good lord, what are we doing? Why did you kiss me?" She shrieked. He looked at her, as if she was crazy, "Because your eyes wanted me to, the look in your eyes said kiss me." Healia flushed and Frollo pressed her against the wall with his hands, holding her there, "Last chance brat, tell me where she is." Healia gave a growl, "Go burn a house Frollo, I'm not telling you anything." She spat. With a steely glare he slapped her. Suddenly the memory of hurting her came back and he tightened his fist, fighting the urge to slap once more. But with a kick from her he fell, dropping the candle in a puddle as she pounced upon him, trying to pin him to the floor while he tried to get back up and pin her down instead. They tussled around the small cell, banging in the walls which earned curses from both. "You, you, ugh I don't think there is a curse wicked enough for you, you religious hypocrite, I cannot believe Marie found you attractive!" She cried furiously, landing a fair punch on his face as he tried writhing but her knees gripped his sides tightly to keep his from flipping her. Frollo continued to fight, trying hard not to notice how her legs were gripping his sides, revealing taut, beautiful legs halfway up her thighs since they were spread. He suddenly froze at the sound of footsteps outside. Knowing being covered in muck and beneath a gypsy woman would certainly pose questions he knew that making even a small sound would alert the guard. Hurriedly he covered her mouth with a hand and hissed. "Don't make a sound." They were frozen and silent, waiting until the footsteps had passed. Then he flipped her, making a snarl of anger leave her mouth as she violently writhed beneath him. But it was no use, he had her trapped. Standing up he gave a snort at her behavior, "You little harlot." He muttered, feeling around for the candle, finding her hand over it, she yanked it away and he looked to her, "Give it back, now." "But I need light, certainly more than you do." He looked at her strangely, "Why do you need light?" She bit her lip for a long before answering, "Because I want to read before I die." Frollo paused, "But you don't have a book." She gave a nod and pulled out a worn book, handing it to him. He took it in his hands and could barely make out the title in the dark with his sharp vision. When he did he looked at her in shock, it was the book he'd given her all those years ago. "You've kept it all these years?" He asked softly, making her nod, "Yes, I have read it so many times that I've lost count, but still it reminds me of the days where I read aloud to you and you would correct me. It's the only book I have." She murmured sadly. He handed it back to her, "I have to admit you've kept it in very good condition." She smiled gently and kissed the cover. But then he hardened his eyes, "But, you must hand over the candle, now." She narrowed her eyes, about to give one nasty curse when he snatched away the candle, making her cry out in surprise, "Frollo wait, please don't take the candle, I don't only need it to read!" She cried, grasping his robe again to stop him. Frollo paused at the door, staring down at the lean arm that held his cassock like a child. And yet this arm was lean and strong, but the arm of a woman in all, a woman who was like no other. Was he really going to burn her tomorrow? But then he asked her a question, "And why exactly do you need the candle other than reading?" He asked icily. Her response surprised him, "Because I fear the dark. This was the time my mother and father were murdered. The light provides some sort of comfort." She whispered pleadingly. He didn't look at her but heard her voice again, "Please, leave the candle and I will find a way to light it, please Frollo; it is my dying wish is to read." She begged. He was silent for a long time before saying, "It wouldn't be your dying wish if you told me where she is, no brat; you sleep in the dark." And with that he left the room, making her want to scream, cry his name, and sob.

                                                                             So she did all three.

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