No Shoes

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      "Get up, come on! Get UP!" Healia awoke to the fierce shaking of Gigi. "Huh?" Healia mumbled, rubbing the drowsiness from her eyes. Gigi gave her one last shake before standing up and pulled on her boots. "Hurry! We have to go! It's time for morning prayers and our lord wanted everyone to be there." She cried, tossing Healia's cap to her. She shakily got up and hastily washed her face and hands before stumbling with Gigi and the rest of the servants to the kitchen where they all knelt before an impatient Judge. His foot tapped against the cobblestone as his icy gaze darted from person to person and finally settled on Healia who was being hustled by Mrs. Bette into her place before the woman rushed to hers. Healia glanced at the others around her, slightly confused at what was happening. But seeing everyone else in prayer form she quickly clasped her hands and shut her eyes, nose wrinkling slightly in the process. Frollo had his eyes set on the little gypsy as he pulled out his Bible and began to recite from the holy book, not even needing to look at the scripture since he had memorized the entire thing to heart. As he began to speak, voice clear and imposing, they all murmured the words after him. Healia soon began to get sleepy. Remembering he had said dawn she felt an ache of remembrance fill her heart. She use to go to the roof of one of the houses at dawn and watch the sun rise, silently wondering if Helios was riding his fiery chariot across the sky or if it was just a ball of light. For some reason she had always felt best and happiest when watching the dawn, probably since it was from what she got her name. Helios had based her name, Healia since the descendants of Helios were to have golden eyes, just like her. The urge to see the sun rise filled her with such longing that she almost gave a sigh. But she held it in, she didn't want to be beaten and sighing was certainly not going to be a way to be liked by Frollo. Then again, it's not like Frollo really liked anybody in the first place. Keeping her eyes shut and trying hard to continue repeating after her master Healia tried to remember the last sun rise she'd seen. It was probably a week ago, yes, that was it! The memory of watching the sun rise and all the beautiful colors fill the sky filled her with a sense of freedom and breathlessness, making her smile as she tried to pray. The smile tugged at her lips, making Frollo raise an eyebrow at it, what in the heavens was that brat thinking about? Probably impure thoughts, guessing by the expression on her face. Finishing the prayer he found himself slightly intrigued at her smile, it was mysterious for a seven year old. What secrets did she hide? But as the servants went back to their jobs he shook his head, she was his servant, not a companion, do not grow in any case affectionate for that brat. His conscious ordered, making him take a deep breath and stride to his room, needing to get ready for the day.

  "Okay, well Healia this is how you correctly fold a sheet. You see if you bend the corner here and tuck this part beneath it will look great with no wrinkles. See?" Healia gave a nod and Gigi gave her a sheet to work on. They were in one of the guest rooms, tending to the sheets that never were used, making sure to air them out so they stayed fresh. That's when Healia chose to say something that shocked Gigi, "Why does master have so many guest rooms when he never has guests?" Healia asked curiously, folding the sheet. Gigi hastily shushed the little gypsy, "I don't know but I have heard he inherited this house from his father who enjoyed guest so I guess he just doesn't want to spend money remodeling." Healia gave a nod, "He's probably lonely." She mumbled, making Gigi gasp and cover her mouth. "It's a death wish to talk about the master like that, don't if you value your life." Healia sighed, her tongue sticking out as she exasperatedly tried to fold the sheet correctly but ended up in a bundle of fabric. She breathed heavily through her nose and Gigi laughed, "Here, let me help you, can you take these sheets to the kitchen? They have to be washed." Healia gave a nod and took all the old sheets, the pile unreasonably high. As she began to stagger down the stairs with the sheets she didn't notice a busy Frollo pause his writing and glance at her from his door. That little gypsy worked well for a brat, he had to admit. Not once had he heard her complain, nor cry. She was a strong little brat. But glancing at her feet he sighed irritably, that girl didn't wear shoes! He bet Mrs. Bette offered her some but as a poor gypsy she probably hated how they felt. But then he realized what he was neglecting and stood up, running a hand through his dark iron hair, combing it back into position. Shutting the door he sat back down at his desk, going back to the work he had left, wondering why he found that little girl so interesting.

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