Her Dance with the Devil

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This, of course, is just an average conversation with one of my friends that turned into something amazing. The italicized parts are mine and the regular parts are my friend's. This was all completely spur of the moment without any editing or any real thought. Each part would take maybe 5 seconds to a minute depending on length. That being said, don't judge it too harshly. We were entirely feeding off of each other's previous thoughts.


Her Dance with the Devil

You shameful peasant

When we look to the sky

It's not mine

But I want it

What a perilous path we tread

I know he's there

Waiting for your death

To breathe your last with his kiss upon your lips

Let's not pretend like you're alone tonight

You whispered his name as you fell asleep

I bet he'll get the nerve to walk to the floor and ask my girl to dance

And she'll smile that smile that she stopped giving to me

She'll say yes

Cause I can't live without you

He'll show those sharpened teeth of his

And bite down upon your smooth neck that I once kissed

You're all that I hoped I'd find in every single way

But everything I would give was everything you couldn't

Nothing feels like home

Home is where the heart is

And you ripped that out of my chest with your bare hands

You're a thousand miles away

When you let his name scream from your lips in such a piercing way

And the hardest part of living is just taking breaths to stay

But too close for my head and too far for my heart

You never even wonder if I'm missing you

Cause I know I'm good for something

I just haven't found it yet

And this will be the first time in a week

That I've talked to you and I can't speak

Because my voice is sore from screaming out your name

All the bars in town have banned me from stepping one disgraceful foot inside

So now I drown my sorrows all alone in a place where your scent used to flow

It's been three whole days since I've had sleep

Cause I dream of his lips on your cheek

And I get the point that I should leave you alone

But my hands can't stop shaking from the thoughts of violence to your new taken lover

It's so wrong for me to wish him harm

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