Part 21

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Ella's POV

"If we keep a good pace we should make it by nightfall. Seeing as it's almost mid-day." I tell them as I start to jog down the long straight road. "Well I'm glad I don't get winded or tired." Detective Williams tells me as they all start to jog with me. "Yeah you're lucky. But you should really worry about keeping up with us." Fancy pants tells me as he pants a little but tries to hide it. "Trust me Xylo. Ella could outrun us all, even if we got a head start." Ritchie says.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure she would." Xylo says, as he stays behind me a few feet. I turn around, still jogging but backwards. "If Z's come, you're the first one I'm throwing to them." I tell him. I watch as he pales a little. I turn back around and jog normally. "You couldn't hurt a fly." Fancy pants says. "I will gladly beat your ass into a bloody pulp." I tell him. "You should believe her. I think even though I can't feel pain. I would still feel the pain of Ellas hits." Ritchie tells xylo.

After jogging for over an hour we have to slow to a walk. Seeing as Xylo nor the little creepy freak could keep going at that pace. "What time is it?" Ritchie asks me as he walks next to me. I look up at the sky. "Looks like its maybe 1oclock." I tell him. "If nothing stops us we should make it to town in about five hours. And then it would take us about an hour to walk across town." I tell him. "Well I recon we wont run into any problems." Xylo says.

Almost as soon as he stops talking I hear the dreaded sound of the undead. I groan and turn around. "What is it?" Ritchie asks me. "Xylo jinxed us." I say as I watch the undead. "What do you mean?" Jax asks me. I point to behind them. They all turn and look. Coming out of the trees and making their way to us is a horde of about fifty Z's. "Okay. Your all lucky I know a short cut. But you all have to listen to me. No matter what." I tell them all. I turn and run ahead of them. The four chase after me.

I run straight for about thirty minutes. The Z's still following us, more joining the horde. I smirk as I see a spray painted tree. "This way." I tell them as I run to the tree. They follow me into the woods. And I know what I have to do to make them all understand. I quickly disappear. I see them all look around. So I come out and shout at them. "Over here." I tell them. They start to come for me but I disappear again. "This way!" I shout, clear on the other side of them. 

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