•kiss my ass•

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I was shook awake by someone, I figured it was dad so I mumbled 'go away' and turned back over. but then I felt someone's cold ass hand on my leg so I shot my eyes open and turned around to see Ricky drawing circles in my leg.

Then it all came back to me all time lows bus, chris, and being kidnapped by motionless in white. I screamed and jumped back but only to fall off the couch "God dammit" I yelled as I hit the floor.

Just then all of MIW busted through the curtain separating the bunks from the living area, when they saw Ricky on the couch and me on the floor Chris smirked and looked at Ricky.

"What the fuck guys take me home" I yelled standing up and dusting off TE imaginary dust from my pants.

"How about......no" Chris said looking me up and down I shivered and felt really insecure.

"Why am I here" i asked losing all confidence I had before.

"Well haven't you heard about us and what we do"

"Yes I have and I think your all sick freaks"

"That's not very nice Delainey, anyway I figured why not take you cause you belong to andy, your young, your pretty , and my favorite innocent and shy"

At this point I was frozen in fear and disgust "I used to love your guys music but now I hate all of you" I screamed before running towards the door.

I was quickly pulled back by balz and sat down on the couch, I started crying a bit "I just wanna go home and see my dad" I sobbed

They all looked at me funny like they had never seen anyone cry "oh well sunshine your here with us for 4 days then we'll return you back to your dad, after he gives us our money" I sigh and nod a bit realizing crying will get me nowhere.

"Good now that we're all settled in why don't we watch a movie" Chris suggests I shrug and move out of the way so they can sit, after everyone sits there's no room left.

"Where the am I supposed to sit" I ask quietly

Ricky smirks and points to his lap I shake my head no but he gets up and
Grabs my arm pulling me on his lap, I sit uncomfortably for a minute or two before Ricky makes me sit all the way in his lap .

I groan and watch the tv "told you all I could make her moan first" Ricky says out loud all the guys yell at him and I jump up.

"What no I didn't moan I groaned in annoyance " I said loud enough so everyone heard me they all laughed at Ricky and I sat back down on the floor.

Chris pulls me up into his lap and swings my feet over into ghosts lap, I put my head down a bit and start to get tired.

" getting tired princess" Chris asks I shake my head yes but not really wanting to sleep in the Same room as these perverts.

He takes me over to a bunk and lifts me up by my waist so I can sit on the bunk, he hands me a t-shirt that says misfits and he tells me to get changed.

I shoo him out but he still stands there "out please" I say pointing to the door and shakes his head and points to the shirt, I sigh and slowly take off my top and bottoms throwing his shirt on over myself to cover everything.

He smirks and looks me up and down once again, my cheeks get red and I look down "you look nice in my shirt, even better since it barely covers your behind" I feel more heat go to my cheeks if that was even possible I them climb into the bunk I had sat on before and curled up in a ball.

I fell asleep into a dreamless sleep soon after my head hit the pillow.

Only one thought came to mind before I fell asleep.....

I miss my dad

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