•forget the color of your eyes•

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A voice I never wanted to hear again

Chris motionless....

"Hello Delainey "

I turn around to see him standing over me I try and back up but he grabs my hand and yanks me forewords "let go" I yell at him he smacks me and pulls me again

Then zeke comes rushing over "what the fuck dude get off of her" he yells

Chris punches him and zeke wobbles back I scream and Chris looks at me,

"I'll be back for you missy and when I do your so dead" I shiver and he runs off.

I drop down to zeke and he looks at me with disgust,

"If you would have stayed on the fucking bench I wouldn't have gotten hit and you wouldn't have almost been kidnapped " he yells smacking my hands away.

He stands up and starts to walk off I run after him "where are you going" I tell after him

"To your place to pack my stuff"

"Why?" I say my heart breaking a little bit

He never answers back but when we get home he slams the door open and I start crying he grabs his stuff and walks towards the door

"I'm not coming back, I can't deal with your shit anymore"

I drop to the ground and he turns away

"Please zeke, please don't take this out on me your the only thing that's keeping me alive" I say quietly my voice shaking and cracky.

"I'm done" then he walks out slamming the door I burst out into more tears and scream

When I screamed I guess I woke the guys up, because they came running down the stairs yelling.

"Delainey what's wrong "

I can't even look at them, in so heart broken I stand up and push them away "they fucking ruin everything, can't I just die" I yell running towards my room

I hear them run up after me so I just lock my bedroom door, I take my razor I had under my pillow and make a few slices in my legs. I sigh and stand back up.

The guys stopped banging on the door and they are just sitting there calling my name sounding tiered

"Lainey come out please I love you" I hear dad call

"Delainey please open up" jinxx says sounding half asleep

I slowly open the door and Ashley falls in he shoots his head up "Lainey" he yelled

I nod slowly suddenly finding my long sleeve hoodie interesting, they all hug me and ask to see my wrists I scoot up my sleeves and they examine them.

They don't find anything so they kiss my arms and push my sleeves back down, I sit on my bed wiping tears from my face

"What happened " Ashley asks

"Chris found me at the park and hit zeke and said he'd be back for me"

"That son of a bitch" dad says

"Wait then why were u screaming and crying" CC asks

"Zeke dumped me and said he was done with my crazy bullshit" I started crying again

They pulled me into a hug and dad kisses my forehead "well we love you and will never leave you "

"Thank you guys I love you too"

Everyone leaves but dad I look up at him and he looks down at me

"I know that's not it"

"What do u mean" knowing exactly what he ment

"Your cuts"

"I know, but I can't hurt the guys anymore"

"Show me. NOW"

I nod and take off my pj pants not caring that Andy's there I mean for gods sake he's my dad and I'm to tiered to care plus I have underwear on so oh well.

He gasps and draws over my cuts he kisses each one and hugs me "I still love you"

"I love you too"

He picks me up bridal style and carries me to his room he lays me on the bed and hands me one of his t-shirts, I take off my hoodie and put it on it falls down to my mid thigh but I don't care.

He crawls in next to me and I curl up in his chest "goodnight bug"

"Goodnight dad"

Sorry that was bad 😁💋

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