Chapter 4

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Hope's P. O. V:

I grip Rogue's hand as I lead him to Star Hill in Magnolia city after our recent date. We've been dating since my first and only date with Sting a few days ago, and have gotten closer since.

I sit down on the grass and pat it for Rogue to join me. Sting was watching Lector and Frosch tonight.

I lie with my head facing Rogue's, so we're opposite. (Just like in the picture)

"Now I get why you call it Star Hill," Mutters the crimson eyed male as we gaze up at the blanket of stars. I nod.

"Yeah. I'm glad we got to date more, Roguey. And that I got to know you more."

"Me, too. I'm just happy your brother is letting me date you, now."

I smile softly at him before I lie down on the grass, my silver hair spreading out slightly in its wavy ponytail. Rogue copies my actions and I feel like singing as I smile dazedly up at the stars.

"How did I get here?
I turned around and there you were
I didn't think twice
Or rationalize
'Cause somehow I knew
That there was more than just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kind of into me
But I figured it's too good to be true"

Here, I smile at the Cheney who returns it while I cup my hand around his head, leaning against him. I continue my song.

"I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time?
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I cannot believe it
You're one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work, that weren't good enough
'Til I thought I'm through, said I'm done
And stumbled into the arms of the one
You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Say that I'm your diamond in the rough
When I'm mad at you
You come with your velvet touch
Can't believe that I'm so lucky
I have never felt so happy
Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I cannot believe it
You're one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work, that weren't good enough
'Til I thought I'm through, said I'm done
And stumbled into the arms of the one
I said pinch me
Where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I cannot believe it
They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I cannot believe it
You're one in a million
One in a million
You're one in a million"

"That was a beautiful song," Rogue compliments when I finish.

"Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. How's Frosch been?"

"He's been good. He wanted to come but I told him maybe next time. Sting's looking after him," Replies Rogue.

"Awe. I know I've seen him recently, but I already miss Frosch," I croon, sounding a little disappointed.

"I let him know," Murmurs Rogue.

"Thanks. What's it like to have Sting as your new guild master?" I inquire curiously.

"He's definitely better than Jiemma was, though I have to check in every once in awhile to make sure he actually does the paperwork. He's not really the type to sit around and do it until it's done," Answers Rogue, making me chuckle before I lean closer and put my head on his shoulder.

"I would imagine. At least he's got you there to encourage him."

A smile tugs at the ravenette's lips. "Yeah. Okay. Tell me more about yourself that I don't already know."

I smile and lean my head back on Rogue's shoulder as I tell him more about me.

Third Person's P. O. V:

A young woman in her mid 30's sits on a throne-like chair as she rewatches the Grand Magic Games finale as Hope Foster easily defeats Lyon Vastia and Shelia Blendy with her Ether Explosion spell, then scares the shit out of everyone—including Minerva Orlsnd who is cowering and whimpering in fear as she's tweed at an ether covered Hope who's prehensile hair is flaring around her threateningly—while fighting Minerva Orland single-handedly.

Then the scene changes to Hope meeting with the rest of her teammates in the plaza to face off against Sting, who was cocky until he drops to his knees and hangs his head in defeat.

The blonde woman couldn't help but continually replay the three scenes, as well as Hope's fight with the Wizard Saint Jura Neekis.

It would appear as though she's definitely gotten much stronger in just seven years.

"M' Lady?" A man speaks up tentatively, gaining the blonde woman's attention. The man with red hair bows. "I have something of interest to report."

"Go on," The woman prompts.

The redhead begins, "I was keeping an eye on Hope Foster like you ordered me to with my Transformation Magic, and I've discovered she's close to two Sabertooth mages—one in particular."

The woman raises a fine blonde eyebrow as she demands, "Who?"

"I believe his name is Rogue Cheney—he's the Shadow Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth. He and Hope have been rather close together since the incident in Crocus, and she's been around him more than Sabertooth's new guild master, Sting. They were just in town recently looking for Rogue's... frog? I think? It's hard to tell if it's a frog or a cat."

The man shrugs carelessly.

A twisted smirk appears on the blonde woman's lips as she comes to the realisation. A laugh breaks out of her, causing the redhead to blink his eyes in confusion.

"M' Lady?"

"Oh, this is just perfect!!" Exclaims the guild master as she throws out her hands and jumps to her feet, grinning at her guild member. "Don't you realise what this means, Ethan?!"

"What, M' Lady?" He asks carefully.

She explains eagerly, grin widening, "It means that, our little Hope now has a boyfriend!" The woman chuckles gleefully. "We could use him to our advantage!"

The blonde woman continues to cackle triumphantly.

Part 2: Shadows of Magic (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now