Chapter 25

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Hope's P. O. V:

I stare down Charlele with a hard gaze, daring her to continue arguing with me.

Gajeel was the one who breaks the silence. "And just how, exactly, do you plan on finding these Akatsuki guys?"

"That's where we come in," Says a female voice, causing us to turn to the center of the room. We gape at the sight of a tall silver haired man with golden eyes wearing a red and white kimono two piece outfit, with pants, and a pink haired young woman wearing a cloak over her pink, white and yellow outfit.

 We gape at the sight of a tall silver haired man with golden eyes wearing a red and white kimono two piece outfit, with pants, and a pink haired young woman wearing a cloak over her pink, white and yellow outfit

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Everyone jumps to their feet in surprise at the sight of Sesshomaru and Evie, as Erza and I go up to them

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Everyone jumps to their feet in surprise at the sight of Sesshomaru and Evie, as Erza and I go up to them.

She demands harshly, "Sesshomaru, Evie. As good as it is to see you again, you say you know where the Akatsuki is?"

Sesshomaru huffs, closing his eyes as Evie pulls down her hood to reveal green eyes, "Huh. Why do you think we've been gone so long with no contact? It's next to impossible to get even close to the Akatsuki guild hall without being killed first."

"But! We did manage to get a little info on their location!" Chimes the Telekinesis and Teleportation Magic user.

"Really?!" Natsu exclaims eagerly as he and Gray come over. "Alright! You guys are awesome!"

"We can tell you where the Akatsuki is," Says the aristocratic assassin as he flicks his golden orbs to me, "but you do realise it's a trap, right?"

I say with a frown, "Bring it on."


After calling Sting and Rogue on the former's Communication Lacrima, we recruit them for the mission to break into the Akatsuki guild hall, in Lilac Town.

We manage to slip in without being seen and pause behind a corner. I peer out to check for any dark wizards and see a whole bunch just up ahead.

I jerk back and whisper to my teammates, "There are some guards just up ahead."

Part 2: Shadows of Magic (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now